Woodchopping contest - how to process?


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Hi Steve, here I am playing with DT4.2 on a linux desktop due to windows computer crapping itself last night. I have tried to focus the viewer to the axeman by selective dodging and burning with multiple exposure modules. Not perfect but I hope you get the idea.

BTW, this brings back memories of the Royal Easter Show woodchopping which was one of my favourite events when I lived in Sydney.

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (31.6 KB)

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Looks good :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I have to agree with @martin.scharnke, I think some feel of motion would help. My version, I added a little motion blur to the arms, and also tried to demphasise the woman with the luminescent sun glasses.

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (24.8 KB)


Here is my version, I tried to put your champion in light. And attract the eye to him by creating a slight vignetting with the “Soften” module.

DT 4.3 & Sigmoid
DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (19.8 KB)
Greetings from Brussels,

Nice shot, thanks for sharing
darktable 4.2.1

DSC_4347_02.NEF.xmp (19.7 KB)

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@Terry sorry about the short reply earlier - I think the darkening of the background works well. Sorry to hear about the PC!
@epeeist The blur is definitely a good idea. I feel it’s hard to do it completely realistically in ‘post’, but yours looks pretty good!

Aren’t they!
@Christian-B Nice! Almost feels like the sun’s come out, without seeming too ‘altered’.
@Jean-Marc_Digne And the sun’s gone in again! Or maybe just going down. Definitely more tension in this one. :+1:


My version…

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (27.4 KB)

Good photo!
This my try with Darktable 4.2.1.

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (14.8 KB)

Thanks for that. It was a quick, and moderately crude mask.

In this kind of circumstance, I tend to use the high-speed multiple shot facility on my Nikon D850. I notice that the picture was taken on a Nikon D7100, so you could do something similar. You can then choose the best from a reasonable selection.

I have to go back to my pictures from last year’s Highland Games to get something with the same feel. This was one of about a dozen, most of which I discarded.

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DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (12.8 KB)


How about this, my fun in GIMP


This is an excellent photo to start with, so it didn’t need a lot of effort. dt 4.2.1

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (6.4 KB)

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (22.7 KB)

Thank you, that is a fun picture to play with in DT !

DSC_4347.NEF.xmp (13.8 KB)

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In this image I practice more background blur with exclusion points.
RawTherapee 5.9

20230312_DSC_4347_RT.jpg.out.pp3 (19,1 KB)


Quite warm and saturated but I like it…

Or way less of that…

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Thanks everyone for the versions, tips and ideas!
@epeeist I use continuous shooting for motorsport - not really sure why I didn’t here! Next time.
@Zbyma72age I like this. The tighter crop works well. I wonder how you get the RAW file into GIMP?

@dqpcoxeas @anon42681393 @apostel338 @Tim @Thomas_Do @JulienMx @arturoisilvia @priort Thanks everyone! I’ll need to load some xmps and have a look at how you did it.

Its basically an automated tiff transfer if I recall. I don’t use GImp but you can set it to use RT or DT to open the raw and then it gets transferred to Gimp

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