Would there be value in designing Darktables levels to function more like GIMP's

I have already done it here:

I have nothing more to add to this. I don’t use curves anymore for some time because I don’t see the need. With a few main modules designed for scene reffered workflow I can work much more precisely than I was able to with curves before.

What appeals to me about this is the logic of how the modules are designed, which reminds me a lot of the functionality of a stereo system:

Metaforically, there are two “decks” for both brightness and color individually:

For brightness: the exposure module for global manipulation (amplifier) and Tone Equalizer for local manipulation (equalizer/filter).

For colors: color calibration module for global manipulation of three basic channels (amplifier) and color balance RGB for local and fine adjustments (equalizer/filter).

And at the end you have an extra deck: filmic or sigmoid as a kind of compressor or limiter that makes sure that certain values are not exceeded.