2022 Year in review - post your favorite shot

I’ve played with so many different styles this year (landscapes, portraits, macro, abstract, minimalist…), which makes it very hard to pick a favourite. I probably have about five favourites. But I’m not sure any of them are 5-stars, which I reserve for portfolio-worthy images. I actually haven’t made a portfolio yet, but I expect that when I eventually do, I will have even better photos by then… But who knows?!

I shared some of my recent favourites in another thread (Darktable 4.2 is coming, Simply Thank You), so here’s a different one. Forests are some of my favourite environments to walk through but it’s so hard to capture them through photography. You really need to find a composition that isn’t too chaotic, and that can be a considerable challenge in the forests of BC, Canada. So, even though this is far from being my favourite image of the year, it’s one that reflects a lot of my efforts over the last 12 months and an area in which I’m quite happy with my progress.

And a few stats:
No idea how many photos I actually imported, but I have over 5000 after initial culling (this does include burst shots and panorama source files, so not truly representative of how many are keepers).

Of this 5000:

  • 1439 have 2 stars and are shots I would show as a record of the year (includes snapshots of family and places visited). This is way more than usual, but that’s what happens when you buy a new camera :slight_smile:
  • 91 have 3 stars and potentially worthy of hanging on a wall (mostly the toilet wall, but maybe 1 or 2 for the living room).
  • 3 to 5 could be worthy of 4 or 5 stars (portfolio quality), but I’m still assessing if any meet this criteria.