Good news in the LHDR-TMO department…
- The VanHateren06 , KimKautz08, and Ferwerda96 Tone Mapping Operators have been added to LuminanceHDR.
Good news in the LHDR-TMO department…
VanHateren06 has a Pupil Area slider.
KimKautz08 features C1 an C2 sliders:
Ferwerda96 has Multiplier and Adaptation Luminance. (I couldn’t tell what the sliders do.)
VanHateren and KimKautz got a boost…
[outdated link removed]
Here is a new mac build with Qt 5.9.7 (should be ok on macOS 10.9+)
The new Lischinski06 tone mapping operator has been merged into the LHDR master branch! Thank you @fcomida @heckflosse for your work and optimizations.
Here is an updated (1/2/2019) build for MacOS