5.0 Mac version?

Gave it a try, no damage to my mac but the image did not open in photoshop. is there something else that I have to do?

You need the full path to Photoshop! It is probably something similar to what @chroma_ghost has said.

If you’re still around, maybe we can screen share over Hangouts or simlilar.

My main goal was that opening those dialogs didn’t crash RT but I didn’t really tested to see if worked properly, sorry about that :smirk: This - in the Other command line - is working for me:

open -a /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ CC\ 2017/Adobe\ Photoshop\ CC\ 2017.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ Photoshop\ CC\ 2017

it’s no point in showing the options 'cause it uses double “” for the empty spaces and in the posts that desapears

I can see that my above text was in the wrong place

I am using Photoshop CS6. I modified the path to read open -a /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop/Adobe\ Photoshop.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ Photoshop.

The good news: Nothing Crashed, Under History it shows that the photo loaded

The bad news: Photoshop CS6 did not open. I am still doing something wrong?

You should be able to test the open -a command in the terminal, I’d guess your path to the executable file is still incorrect. All RT is doing is calling your editor from the terminal.

In my messy osx 10.11.6 is working, but ONLY IF directly in the options file mentioned above 2 “” are added additionally for each blank space… that’s something neu for me :see_no_evil:. Also had to rename partha’s “McGimp-2.9-cce” to just GIMP in order to be able to use it, as have accumulated and still testing diferrent versions – inserting the path to GIMP didn’t seem to make any difference.

Visu dif

Just went back reading and found @Morgan_Hardwood’s link to rawpedia; read it and now I feel a bit stupid as open -a “Adobe Photoshop CC 2017” works. Sorry guys 4 the pollution. BTW @mac_user2 check if you’re using straight quotation marks, in your above answer you weren’t :slight_smile:

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Hallelujah, success at last!!!
Thanks to you guys, my faith in the RT form is restored!!

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@mac_user2 what was the problem?

Was unable to move the image from RT to PS CS 5. Works perfectly now

@mac_user2 so what was the cause of the problem?

The cause of the problem was incomplete or not clear documentation.
This is a problem shared by a lot of open source software; generally, it is fun to develop new features but it is not so much fun to document the new features.
However, RT has a great user forum and after a few false starts, your membership was able to help me converge on a solution.
BTW, I am still trying to figure-out to get RT to open as a full screen. When I open RT, the screen size is about 7” by 13” (18cm by 33cm), I can press the full size button and the screen enlarges, but after I quit and restart the screen is small again. Is this a feature or a bug?
If it is a feature, please point me to the area in RawPedia where screen size is addressed.
Thank you

@mac_user2 you still haven’t explained what the problem was, though you did manage to fill the gap where the explanation should have been with a snide remark. You should also know that none of the developers use macOS and the documentation you complain about is in the form of a wiki, which anyone including yourself can help edit. So if you don’t explain where you went wrong, I can’t improve it.

I did not intend a snide remark. Please accept my apologies if it came across that way. In my past life I wrote “specific use” software and was frequently guilty of giving short shrift to the documentation. I also observed this problem with other software writers.
The specific issue was, what is the exact wording to enter into “Other command line:” I now know the wording to transfer an image to Photoshop for subsequent processing, ( open -a “Adobe Photoshop CS6”).
Is there a typo in Layout, Position of curve copypasta buttons:
I am still trying to get RT to open as a full screen, where is that command located?


@mac_user2 thanks for clarifying that. I added the PSCS6 example.

Can you clarify?


Look at the word, What is a COPYPASTA button? How much clearer do I have to be?