5.8-1 crashes when I attempt to save

Hello! and I have the same problem on 5.8 for Windows. I do not know what to do!


Installing the latest development version solved tfora’s problem, did you try that already?

There’s a pinned topic, right here, that points to installable images.

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@Jade_NL Thanks! I put 5.8-3 on your link. But still the same. I can’t save the image after editing. without editing from raw saves to jpeg.

Can tell us a bit more, please?

First: 5.8-3 is a distro (Ubuntu) specific naming. I really do not know what is(n’t) part of that Linux package. This one is created by the Ubuntu team and not by the RawTherapee team. You might want to use the link I gave you and download and install one of those.

What, exactly, does this mean? I especially have problems understanding the second part (made italic by me). Do you get an error message? Are options not present?

RawPedia has a section about saving images, have you looked at that and are you doing it in one of the ways described there?

If all that does not help be sure to include the steps you take to try and save your image and the possible (error) messages you get.

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Sorry for my poor English.
There are no messages. I click “save”, and at 55% “Capture Sharpening”, RT just disappears. On version 5.8-3, the same thing happens by 50%.
I have a suspicion that this is after editing in Detail
. P.S. I have old hardware. But that doesn’t explain why everything was fine before that.

If at all possible please share the RAW file and the sidecar so we can have a look if anything might be wrong with either of those.

I mentioned this already but: How about if you use one of the versions in the link I provided earlier (You use Linux so probably this appimage).

Before what, exactly? Something must have changed if it worked before and it doesn’t any longer.

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IMG_5983.CR2 (33.9 MB)
IMG_5983.CR2_20220529130558_421.pp3 (12.1 KB)

I use windows.

before it stopped saving.

Hmmm… How can you have installed version 5.8-3, which is a Linux specific RawTherapee version??

I do not have any issues with this RAW and the sidecar:

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Without any problem.

I made like you say. No good result.
maybe I spoke incorrectly. I downloaded the RawTherapee version 5.8-3095-g68ec1a5bb.

Oh!))) I want this photo. how to download it in maximum quality?
already learned and downloaded

I cannot reproduce this in the (old, feb 2020) 5.8 version, the latest appimage and the latest self build version of RawTherapee. All of them are able to save the RAW+edit you provided.

I checked all the things that are done in the sidecar you provided: It’s a very basic edit with mostly default settings. Except for one, non of the heavy-duty modules are used (as in CPU/Memory intensive). The only one that might be considered somewhat heavy is the Dynamic Range Compression module (turn it off and see if that helps in any way).

I do know that there’s a way to show more info in a terminal (set Verbose= to TRUE in the options file). But you’ll need a Windows user to help you with that, I’m not a Windows user and as such I’m not able to help you trouble shoot this.

You mentioned that you’re using old hardware: What are your specs? (which CPU, how much memory). I’m starting to suspect that this might be the problem and not RawTherapee.

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just to make sure: your machine is running windows and you (correctly) downloaded the windows-version?

I tested under windows and I also do not have any issues with editing or saving this .CR2 and/or the sidecar. @Jade_NL could be right about your hardware. Did you run a memory- and/or a harddisk- check?

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I used version 5.8 until I downloaded another one yesterday.

I tried to disable dynamic range compression - when saving everything was gone.

I absolutely do not know what verbose is…

I have an AMD Athlon 2 P340 Dual Core 2.20 GHz
AMD mobility radeon hd 5000 series
Windows 10 64x

If that’s the problem, then why was everything okay before


I’m not good at tests, but I’ll look for a suitable one. and I will try to find the reason. financially I can’t afford to buy a new computer now, unfortunately.

You might be running out of ram, depending on what other applications you have running while running rawtherapee.

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only one RawTherapee.


I just installed the latest RawTherapee AppImage (5.8-3093) on an old laptop of mine: A 2.5GHz 2 core Intel with 4 Gb memory and 4 Gb SWAP running Linux:

  • RawTherapee loads, but its not all that fast,
  • Loading your RAW and applying the sidecar takes about 90 seconds,
  • After sending it to the queue and starting the export process (JPEG quality 98% + Subsampling Best quality) it takes 4 1/2 minutes to process. The export does finish. But…

The free memory dips to a mere 153 Mb as far as I could see (probably lower than that) and I do see that some of the swap is also being used. This is on a machine running a lightweight desktop manager (XFCE), RawTherapee and I started gkrellm to have a rough estimate about mem, cpu and swap stats. Nothing else.

I’m fairly certain after this little test that your hardware is not up to specs and is the reason why RawTherapee quits (the OS will kill it due to lack of memory, or at least Linux does it this way).

The above edit of yours isn’t at all demanding, it will only get worse if you start using CPU and memory hungry modules.

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@utyug windows is running a lot of services in background, which often not really are necessary, but are blocking the memory. In case of any changement by the system, it can happen, that suddenly there remains too less memory left for RT. To handle this, you may want to learn more about Taskmanager and autoruns…

Edit: …these tools can help to clean up the memory

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Thank you!
it all takes less time for me. though not fast. what should I do? say goodbye to the raw format?
only in order for RT to work, I had to install another OS. I started learning RT, I began to succeed, I fell in love with my hobby. and now I can’t do it. oh.
jpeg is bad for my results, I’ve already seen that.

Thank you!
I understand it all. I’ll read about Edit.

Friends, can increasing RAM help me? or is it better to prepare for the purchase of a new computer?

difficult to answer… it could help, but it would be a test without guarantee

  • Sometimes the motherboard doesnt support more memory
  • Sometimes the motherboard doesnt have enough slots for more memory.
  • Sometimes the slots on the motherboard dont support RAM-modules with higher capacity
  • Sometimes its difficult to find such old modules working together with the existing ones

Me personally, I would go for newer hardware


I’m not sure if and if so how you can streamline the processes on your current machine. It seems that @marter gave you some pointers. If those work this might give you some time to think about what you can and will be able to spend on hardware.

It’s easy for me to say “Get a new powerful machine”, but I’m not in any way aware of what you can or cannot afford, only you can determine that.

I you do want to spend some money I think you should, if at all possible, look at an overall better machine. Editing images is rather memory hungry and a powerful CPU is often needed. Just adding some memory will probably only be a short time solution.

I just noticed that @marter also replied and seems to be on the same line as I am about this. In the end it is you who needs to spend the money (or not)…

BTW: RawTherapee leans heavy on CPU and memory. A graphics card is also needed, of course, but, unlike darktable for instance, this doesn’t have to be the best one out there because RawTherapee does not use opencl.