A bit of a moan about not being able to install RT 5.9 in Mint 21

How did you set your PATH? An export command is only valid in the shell it is invoked in. If you added the directory in you bashrc or profile, but you launch Gimp using an icon, you’ll have to log out and then log in again.

BTW, darktable can also be installed in a user directory, that’s what I do, too.

Yes, that’s what I did, using nano to edit .bashrc

Ah, I didn’t know that. Where would I set that string ?

./build.sh --prefix /home/kofa/darktable-master --build-type Release --install

You can find my complete build script at the end of this post: master build help - #7 by kofa

Thank you

Did you verify that your PATH was updated correctly?

$ echo $PATH

Some things to try:

  • Edit PATH in .profile instead of .bashrc

  • Try a full path (without the ~).


I doubt the Mint people have the responsibility of supporting third party binaries. It might even be impossible due to conflicting dependencies. That task falls on the people who made the binaries and it looks like they don’t support your version of Mint.

I don’t know how official Mint packages work, but if they have an official RawTherapee package and manage it like Ubuntu does, then it is their policy to keep the version fixed to 5.8 for your particular release of Mint. Back when I used Ubuntu, I had to use a PPA to stay on the latest version of RawTherapee.

this is unfortunately not the best approach … I recommend to symlink a rawtherapee into your ~/bin which is standard (to have ~/bin in PATH by default in the most of distros)

ln -sn /path/to/rawtherapee ~/bin/

That’s certainly a good option. As I mentioned, there are other ways to add RawTherapee to PATH. The choice is up to personal requirements and comfort level with the steps.

This astounds me. I had to leave my study, go stand in the garden and shriek. After replacing double quotes with singles in the PATH assignment in .bashrc ( PATH=“$PATH:…”) and placing a symlink to rawtherapee in /.local/bin, GIMP sent me a beautiful message in a window overlaying RawTherapee welcoming me to the RawTherapee GIMP plugin.

It has only taken since November 2019 to achieve this.

But why does it work at all? I have made no changes that GIMP can know about, surely? The symlink was only to ensure that RawTherapee could be invoked from locations other than where it is installed. The change of quote marks was only a guess at trying to achieve the same thing.

This is now a bit like living in the middle ages: we don’t know why it works and we don’t even need to know why; we just have to keep following the ritual…

could you please share with us exactly what changes you did and exactly how the lines that you’ve added/modified in .bashrc/.profile look like ?

it’s not a rocket science … it will be very easy … the most likely the GIMP has in his configured paths to look in ~/.local/bin or wherever you’ve placed it …

I don’t use ubuntu but all distros have it similar … PATH= is normally build from /etc/profile.d files or from /etc/profile … Personally I don’t build software as root (just never) and I use for all software that I build locally a prefix (DESTDIR=) ~/opt (eg “opt” folder in my user’s home dir) so I modified my PATH by adding $HOME/opt/bin:$HOME/opt/usr/bin:$HOME/opt/sbin at the top of my “normal” PATH= … other people use as PREFIX= some absolute path so for example PREFIX=$HOME/opt/rawtherapee_xyz which will result in that binaries will be in this folder and you have to do a symlink - alternatively Makefiles typically support a variable BINDIR= where you can specify where binaries will go

.bashrc (bottom rows) looked like this:

export PATH=“$PATH:/home/tony/programs/rawtherapee: /home/tony/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins: /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins: /home/tony/MyApps”

I had inserted the double quotes after finding that the PATH would not be updated until I added them (without editing .bashrc). Note the spaces between each path declaration string.

That part of .bashrc now looks like this:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/tony/programs/rawtherapee:/home/tony/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins:/home/tony/MyApps

Note: no quotes, no spaces. And no other changes to .bashrc (or .profile) because I lack understanding of the options and implications of what I would be doing.

The other change was to place a symlink to rawtherapee into ./local/bin. As I do not make any changes to Makefile when compiling (because I don’t know what I am doing), the compile process recommended by the RawTherapee development team results in RawTherapee being installed in ~/programs/rawtherapee. I don’t have an issue with that.

The spaces were causing problems. Without the quotes, the spaces break up the command. Even with quotes, those spaces are not supposed to be in PATH. You have it correct now.

Is it the PATH or the symlink that enabled GIMP to open RawTherapee? What are the contents of your PATH now (echo $PATH)?