This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike._DSC0125.NEF (44.1 MB) _DSC0125.NEF.xmp (17.6 KB)
Can you edit the default text and add a jpg?
_DSC0125.NEF.pp3 (13.2 KB)
Did you post a JPG in OP post? I don’t (or can’t) see it…
I just edited my post and added the JPG, and I can not see it?!?! Will try again. You see I am not too familiar with this site, just my second posting.
I see it
I just find out that my JPG’s uploads ended up as Thumbnails. I have two now and I can not delete one of them. As I said not to familiar with posting, will learn eventually!
RawTherapee 5.8 attempt.
_DSC0125.jpg.out.pp3 (12.1 KB)
@Antoine Not your problem. Apparently, my add-on blocked it (added an exception now). The odd thing is that it only blocks your image but not most images from AWS.
Nice contre-jour example! I even did not know that there is no native english word for this.
RT 5.8
_DSC0125_RT.jpg.out.pp3 (12.3 KB)
New rescale, the first try showed a strong square pattern
Of course, I seem to be too tired.
Funny thing is, when I look up contre-jour in french or Gegenlicht in german Wiki, the equivalent english entry is named “contre-jour”
Nice edit, I like a lot contre-jours (in my case, I didn’t know about this expression, very chic).
You preserved the flood of light, which inmho is the main subject in this kind of photos.
Trouble with this image is that there is a lot of magenta in one corner (esp. on the long lady legs). Using an online tool the closest matching colour is called shimmy
Here is my take, using just RT this time (rare I know), to test itcwb in its current form. Processing should be embedded in file. Zoom and enjoy!
Collins English Dictionary’s definition of Contre-jour: photography
“The technique of taking photographs into the light, with the light source behind the subject.”
I personally prefer contre-jour to Backlighting!!
Yeah, I am pretty sure american photographers just call this backlighting.