A feast for the eyes

On a bright summer morning, to see a bed of portulaca in full bloom is a feast for the eyes. What better than to share in the group and enjoy how others see it…

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P1010856 .RW2 (11.1 MB)


P1010856 _02.RW2.xmp (18.9 KB)

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:+1: The point of view makes so much of a difference

P1010856 _RT.jpg.out.pp3 (14.9 KB)

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I’ve probably overcooked this one, playing around with the colour sliders

P1010856 .RW2.xmp (23.9 KB)

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A little closer to the in-camera jpg (a slight different angle though)

You need to provide a license with your image. Others should not be editing and posting images without a license.

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Sorry, missed it. Added now

Increase of contrast and selective saturation.

My version…

P1010856 .RW2.xmp (16.0 KB)

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Just foolin’ around. I love the peachy color of the “red” blossoms. dt 4.6.1

P1010856 .RW2.xmp (8.0 KB)

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My attempts - fun in GIMP


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That’s a holy Hindu religious symbol. See the one next to it, it is also the same. Probably. the one that’s on your mind is rotated 45degrees, and is usually black, and I abhor it


I lived through WWII under German occupation and I only associate it with the Nazi swastiks

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Thankfully the Nazis were defeated. You can also find this symbol in many buddhist temples


The Buddha

You may not know this, but the Swastika is a symbol that is AT LEAST 2,000 years old, and in both Buddhism and Hinduism, it means “may you prosper and have good fortune.”


The Nazis took many good things from foreign cultures and also from the German culture and and then perverted them to their own ends.

Here my version.

P1010856 .RW2.xmp (12.7 KB)


Why not a meadow. Created seamless texture of just the flowers and then ran the result into circle/line (Mathmap) to give it perspective. :slight_smile:


Sadly, the symbol that universally use to be associated with good luck and wealth/fortune (all from native Americans to countries like India and the meaning the same; starting to believe that Graham Hancock’s right) got shanghaied by the Germans to a symbol to be disdained. Wish we can take words and symbols back to their original intent, but alas, it will take both time and amnesia for that to ever happen. :slight_smile: