A new home for ART

I’m happy to announce that ART is moving to a new home: http://art.pixls.us/

We are also migrating the development from bitbucket to GitHub. The old bitbucket repo will be kept as a mirror, but from now GitHub will be the “official” repo.

Releases will also be available only via GitHub. Incidentally, version 1.24.2 is out.

Finally, please note that there might still be some inconsistencies in the repos here and there (mostly old links probably); if you spot any, please let me know. Thanks in advance!


Forgot to add: thanks to the staff at pixls.us (@paperdigits and @patdavid in particular) for the domain and the related support!

(And people, please don’t confuse this as an endorsement by pixls or anything like that! But it’s still super nice they allowed me to use the domain)


Thanks. The issue pages on Bitbucket were rather slow to load (from France), could take up to 30 seconds or even some more. Those on Github load “normal”.

We totally endorse the project, thanks for all your great work! I’ve beennplaying with CTL scripts, they’re a very interesting addition :heart_eyes_cat:


You asked to report troubles after ART home was changed.
I found two inconsistence at URL:

in the “readme.md” section.
As it was shown in the attached image, there are 2 links (pointed out by the red arrows) which must be updated:


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Thanks, fixed!