A skin smoothing showcase using RawTherapee's Local adjustements

I agree with paperdigits.

Great job on the tutorial and explanation!
The retouch module in darktable does work like a charm if you ask me. Simply because it peals off the image into layers, and you adjust the layers accordingly getting a great end result.

If you ever decide to work with darktable, feel free to DM me for any questions. I’ll try to help you the best way I can.

Thank you @sguyader
It’s a good example of educational support, the result is very good :slight_smile:

Perhaps there are probably other ways to achieve (with RT) a similar result, if other volunteers wish to participate.

Overall from my point of view, Rawtherapee lacks educational materials, be it Rawpedia, videos, or documents of this type.
This supposes to have in addition to rawpedia and screenshot, adapted support (blog, page facebook, etc.)

Developers are generally not the right people to do this because they are focused on development, how to solve the problem and not how to concretely achieve a given result.

On the other hand, the developers - including me of course - are ready to contribute.

For example, I brought my advice to @XavAL for a complex module like “wavelet”, for a Spanish version of Rawpedia

Some modules are simple and the use almost obvious.

Others are complex, for example “Wavelet”, “Ciecam”, “Retinex”…or “Black and white”… or ??.

Others are not complex, but brings a mode treatment different from the habits, as for example “Local adjustemnts”



Am I missing something? I’d like to try this but I don’t seem to be able to access Local Adjustments. I have RT v5.6 on a MacBook with Mojave.

@pauld these are all development builds and I’m not sure that anyone is building them for Mac at the moment.

Should be this one:

Thank you!

Thanks to Jacques (@jdc) I can provide another, simpler, way to select most of the skin but excluding Mairi’s red hair, by using the recently introduced “mask” tool. You can see the screenshot below, showing the area affected by CbDL (in grey) and how it is achieved with the mask tool:

With the mask enabled, there’s no need to using excluding spots on the hair, the only excluding spots are for the eyes and mouth.

At first the use of the mask tool was confusing to me, but if I understand correctly, it works by removing some areas form the initial selection:

  1. when you add the RTspot, it uses the deltaE to “select” the destination pixels (those affected by the filter, here by CbDL), but sometimes such as in this example the deltaE between hair and skin is too small to allow a correct separation
  2. adding the mask will actually allow you to exclude some pixels from the initial selection, based on L(L), C(C ) or LC(H) equalizer. In this example, drawing a narrow notch in the LC(H) curve at the H corresponding to the hair allows to exclude it quite efficiently from the original selection, without affecting the skin selection.

In fact there is 2 ways for using “mask”

  1. “traditionnal”, with “merge” (I call “blend”), image from mask, and original image. in this case you must use, all sliders - blend, radius, chroma mask, gamma mask, slope, and of course 1, 2 or 3 curves L(L), C(C) , LC(H)

  2. specific Rawtherapee, in this case, as says above by @sguyader , the mask serves to increase the selection capacity by artificially playing on the deltaE.
    The image is not change at all, only “deltaE”.
    In this case, you must use : 1 ,2 or 3 curves, radius…
    If you use the others sliders, I recommand very very small values, because you change the image - of course , its perhaps the goal - but be carefull.


Why I don’t see this version in “unstable” branch?

@Chawoosh you need to download a specific build, as the local adjustments are not yet in the main version.
If you’re a Windows user, you can download the latest build from here (look for the “RawTherapee_newlocallab_xxxxxxxx…” build.

I’m using Arch linux and rawtherapee repo in a opensuse server.

Two solutions then, as the Arch repo provides only the main version:

  1. Compile RT yourself from source, by pulling code from newlocallab branch

  2. Use the rawtherapee-git package from the AUR repo, and modify the build script to get the code from newlocallab branch

Below is the part of the build script you need to modify, by just adding the 2 lines in bold font face:

build() {
mkdir -p “$srcdir/rawtherapee-build”
cd $srcdir/rawtherapee
git checkout newlocallab
cd “$srcdir/rawtherapee-build”

cmake …/rawtherapee

If you need more assistance, feel free to ask.

I’ll wait for this feature in “unstable” version.

If you use pamac as your Package Manager for downloading/updating packages, it’s really not complicated:

  1. in pamac preferences, just turn on Enable AUR support in the AUR tab
  2. search rawtherapee-git
  3. double-click on the result, it will show you the details
  4. click on Build files from the left side panel
  5. add the 2 lines as highlighted on this screenshot:
  6. click on Build and then Apply

Then pamac will do everything for you (checking/downloading dependencies, configuring, compiling and installing).
If you had a previous version of RT installed, it will remove it, but don’t be afraid, the newlocallab branch is not far behind the current dev version, and it is probably ahead of your unstable build.
And if it doesn’t work for you, simply reinstall your usual unstable build and it should replace the newlocallab build.

I’m using aurman, but it’s not important. Git version is installed on my work comp, and don’t updated long time, but unstable was updated every day in a long time. What is important for me - that this feature is in realization.


I did try the local adjustment many months ago. The UI was clearly not finished and hard to use. I did not have time to try the many improvemnt from these last months since.
I’ll try to get a try now as it seems to be far more “polished” yet.
I’m curious to see if “carafife” will do something on this subject. He’s doing a great job on darktable & GIMP. It’s a great thing that he’s starting to make some tutoriel for RT in french !


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Did the local spot tool make it into 5.8? I’m using it on Arch and don’t see the ‘hand’ editing tab…

It’s not even in the development version, yet. But it will be included soon (hopefully)

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We are working hard on it, as you can see here


Understood - looking forward to it and thanks for your work!

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