DSC00375.ARW.xmp (12.6 KB)
DSC00375.zip (87.8 MB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, NonCommercial.
DSC00375.ARW.xmp (12.6 KB)
DSC00375.zip (87.8 MB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, NonCommercial.
I chose to do only a minor crop.
Because even the RAW looked like over-corrected perspective to me, I had to counter this.
DSC00375.jpg.out.arp (11.5 KB)
Here is my proposal for this beautiful night shot, I tried to highlight the different light sources by playing on the different tones and contrasts and by accentuating the reflections on the water.
Dartable 5.1 (Master)
Greeting from the Luberon (France)
DSC00375_01.ARW.xmp (32.2 KB)
I did very little editing to this image. Once it opened I just loved the picture with no input from me. But I did some small tweaks. Great capture.
In RT, Gimp & GMIC. Not a lot of difference, except I blew out the lights. Played with the colours & tried to give the texture more definition.
Oops I think I used someone else’s before.
wow, didn’t see the trees there.