A tone equalizer in darktable ?

I use LoG all of the time. :+1:



right click, copy URL.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, every time I link a video from filebin it seems to work at first, but then it gets screwed up…

It sends me to a download page, which is okay.

could you try with details = 1px ? I haven’t had such strong effect with other pictures.

Ok I have found several errors in the indexations (out of bound stuff and passing negative shifts to size_t – as always, I’m a moron)

sorry, I forgot to add that the raw is available from here, if you want to use it for testing:


taken from this post: Local Lab build - #659 by spidermonkey

Here is the equalizer UI, which will eventually be offered as an “advanced” tab (ACDSee style), whereas the sliders will be in a “simple” tab (with fewer channels, Lightroom style). The equalizer also shows the actual exposure compensation factor interpolated from the nodes by gaussian series (garanteed without cusps, smooth and continuous to an infinite order).

The details preservation variant is delayed for now as I want to have the simple version merged ASAP into dev branch, and I don’t want to rush it.

Now, the big deal is to derivate a log histogram from the pixelpipe with reasonable perf to show it in the background of the equalizer. Much fun.

What do you think ?


Looks really good, especially when there is a way to switch between sliders and curve ui. Can‘t wait to test it …
… beginning to dream: i select an area or point in the picture and scroll the mousewheeel and the matching slider moves up and down - available yesterday :wink:


That’s actually not a bad idea and not too difficult to do. Will try it.


Looks amazing. Keep up the good work!

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Looks really good to me! Very nice work again Aurélien!

So, I managed to get the inset histogram in log space inside the equalizer view:

The sliders are still available under the “simple” tab, for those who prefer a “Lightroom” feel.

Here is the “before”:

Now, working on @MStraeten idea of interactive editing directly on the picture.

Picture by Anna Simon.


@anon41087856 Thank you very much for working on this feature I just noticed now as I am new to all this editing and photography in general.

This is actually pretty much exactly what I have been trying to find in darktable. I recently just switched to 2.7 due to mainly the UI updates and the culling stuff along with the RGB curves.

Can’t wait to try this out.

I probably use this feature differently then most. When I was trying out other software I used these sliders to pre flatten images out. So basically I used the Shadows/Highlights sliders to pull the shadows and highlights closer to midtones and then set the whites to exactly below clipping the pull the blacks to just to taste clipping. I find it gives a lot of tone depth to the scene.

I tried using tone curves and the shadows and highlights in dt 2.6.2 just for it to kinda muck up the image.

Until this is available I am going to try to use filmic to achieve my “flattening” and then curves to add the contrast pop.

Again thank you for the hard work I can program but crazy out of practice maybe one day I can contribute.

I do have one question tho (not trying to make more work for you) is it possible to add some sort of Mask toggle to the whites and blacks sliders? For instance in other software with this feature you can often hold down Alt when using the slider. Not trying to turn dt into other software as there is a reason I chose dt over everything else.

For the Whites when holding down a shortcut you get a black mask that shows when the individual RGB channels start to clip through.

With the blacks you get a white mask that also shows when the individual RGB channels clip through.

It is not “necessary” per say as you could technically I believe just use the clipping overlay in dt when adjusting the sliders. The special masks do make it quite easy to fine tune the whites and blacks without the distraction of the whole image, and have the advantage of showing what channels are clipping.

This change maybe way too much of a code requirement tho so you are more then welcome to ignore it.

Again thanks for all the hard work you have been doing.


Please correct me if I’m wrong. Also, I’m not sure if this is what you want.

You could do that with functionality already available in DT. Just use a tone equalizer instance for the black slider and then create a mask. Then create a new tone equalizer instance just for the white slider and mask it the way you want.

Not exactly it is not quite that kind of mask. Mask is probably the wrong term it is more of a channel clipping overlay that shows the individual channel clipping. Still probably not needed as I believe similar evaluation can be done with the clipping toggle.

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I just want to thank you for your contribution.
It is almost a year since I suggested the feature https://discuss.pixls.us/t/do-you-know-if-darktable-has-a-lightness-control-tool/7223 supported by the change of paradigm it would provide, but most people did not see it, actually, the reaction was so bad that I did not expect someone from that post to implement it, so, I am really happy that you decided to make it in such a short period of time.


Here are a couple of screenshots of a rough prototype of in-picture editing cursor. The inner circle is the input exposure of the module, converted to a RGB shade, the outer circle is the output exposure of the module. Zebras show (as in some DSLRs previews) when the pixel is overexposed. The bar on the left is the amound of the exposure compensation. The label on the right is the input exposure, similar to the x axis on the equalizer view.

So, very soon, all you will have to do is hover the region you want to push/pull, and just roll your mouse wheel.

There are still a lot of rough corners though. What do you think ?

That’s a completely different scope from what I’m doing here, if I understand correctly. Altough a mask showing the different exposure channels is planned.


So this tool will replace tone curve’s local adjustments, that is, tone curve + parametric masking. Am I correct?
If so, I’m confused as to how would parametric masks work with this new tool.
What I mean is that the tone equalizer seems to already apply parametric masks under the hoods, right? So, why is the parametric mask showing below the tool?
Also, if the tool is already applying a parametric mask, shouldn’t we be able to profit from all mask features, like feathering, blur, opacity and a display mask switch?

Yes, on the lightness only but not on other channels. And it does far more than just a plan mask to smooth the transitions.


Wow! Great news! Thank you so much for your work. I am very excited about this functionality!

Why do you need these input/output circles? I mean, why do you do additional programming work with creating information in circles when the results are immediately visible on the image?

In Viveza the point is very simple:


You can either increase or decrease the given value. What happens with the corresponding action can be seen immediately on the image.