A view of Paris from Montmartre

I wonder how you found black points values.
I tried too, but starting from neutral profile i’ve found values so different from yours.
Maybe a scaling?
My attempt was too dark.

I used the RT poor_man_dehaze branch, which spits out the values in terminal :wink:

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I love @heckflosse “dehaze” feature, used it in my edit too. Nice to use in combination with the soft light module.

I do hope it will find its way into the next stable version for others to enjoy.


Mon Dieu! Montmartre certainly has changed since I was there (60 years ago). Here is my interpretation of your photo.

_DSC0286.NEF.xmp (7.8 KB)

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


Grey city :wink:

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That works nicely indeed :slight_smile: Didn’t use soft light for a while and almost forgot about it :frowning:

Thanks for posting, I tried to play with faded colors and LUT, so differents results. I posted 3 of them
based on the same base dev (filmic, color balance, sharpen,…) _DSC0286_01.NEF.xmp (25.5 KB)

LUT Fuji Trans III AstiaLUT

Lukas Ericksen LUT Abell.

LUT vintage Chrome

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Tried to practice some local adjustments with the latest RT build. My objective was to get a pleasing sky and make the smoke pop without affecting the buildings. Still confused about a lot in the LA tab but I’m getting there… :slight_smile:

_DSC0286-2.jpg.out.pp3 (28.4 KB)

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Tuts on rawpedia clarify a lot…

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Just in case you are not aware: There’s a very nice video out there made by
Andy Astbury about L*a*b and specifically the RawTherapee Lab adjustments module:

Raw Therapee Basics: The Lab Adjustments Photo Editing Tutorial


Oh yeah, I know about those tutorials and I think I get the basics. But boy, it’s a rabbit hole. :smiley:

Shamelessly promoting my small contribution to the topic :wink: :

Oh I’ve seen that video some time ago, too. I was talking about the Local Adjustments tab, though.

Is the big building complex on the right the “Bibliothèque nationale de France; François-Mitterrand site”? I think so, it is 6,3 km from the “Sacré-Cœur”.

(Gzen92, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia)

Oops sorry.

Interesting photo to play with!
Used RGB curves a bit …

_DSC0286_RT.jpg.out.pp3 (14.6 KB)



_DSC0286.NEF.xmp (24,2 KB)


I think you are right. Books are on the shelves in the four buildings , sheltered from a possible centennial flood of Seine.
Reading rooms and restoration workshops are all around an underground wood.
You can also see inside the stunning Louis XIV globes (https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/louis-xivs-globes)

On the photo of @lightlover the bibliotheque is on the right, located on left bank of Seine. On the left, the buildings are located on right bank of Seine, Ministry of finances should be there but I don’t recognize it.
At the extreme left, the clock is the “Gare de Lyon” clock.

The chimneys are fare away in the suburbs.

Good shot!

And as I am now motivated


In a sense yes! Cafés and restaurants are closed, there is nobody in the streets and in Place du Tertre :worried:

But if you have the opportunity to come back, you will see that it has not much changed and stays a quaint spot.