Continuing the discussion from Castle Menzies - Retouching:
I was thanked for providing some nice images to play with, and responded with some of the upsides and downsides of taking photographs around where we live now (we have lived in Pitlochry for a year, before that we lived just outside Manchester).
I set off early this morning, taking some pictures of Loch Tay before going on to Glen Lyon. This is the first downside, it is a 20Km drive along a single track road. Fortunately, this does have passing places. Unfortunately, I got stuck behind one of the enormous motorhomes that proliferate around here.
Once I got to my parking spot in Camusvrachan I then set off for the Hands. This is the second downside, it is a 4Km walk, up hill of course. Once you turn off to Glen Da-Eig, the “good path” becomes boggy. Although I do use walking poles, I did slip and damage my dignity at one point.
And the last downside, the weather was fine when I set off walking, by the time I got to the Hands it had clouded over. Rather than grumble, you have to do the best you can.
The good thing is, the day isn’t lost. One can drive on to KIllin and use the dull day to take some long exposures of the Falls of Dochart
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(One thing I am still learning is the pronunciation of the Gaelic names for places; the rules for what happens when you follow a letter with an “h”, or put an accent on a letter; bata - a stick; bà ta - a boat)