Is RT being updated for Sony A7RIII pixel shift? Seems like the file format is the major difference from the Pentax method.
@rechmbrs Ronald, we still have no samples from A7RIII pixel shift raw
I’ve requested files be passed to you.
A sample to would be great as well if there isn’t a sample already.
thanks! please ask for both the 4 individual frames and also the combined result produced by Sony’s tool if possible. and as @paperdigits says it would be great if they could also go to
There are currently no samples from that camera
@rechmbrs, yes, it would be super great to get the sample set:
For RPU, 4 normal (no pixelshift) samples are needed. The scene needs to be static, and the camera needs to be stable (tripod).
- compressed, 14-bit
- compressed, 12-bit
- uncompressed, 14-bit
- uncompressed, 12-bit
All what i have read so far suggests that in pixelshift mode, it simply writes 4x uncompressed raw images, so at most upload one of these 4 pixelshift raws. (the scene should be still the same)
I’m actually a Pentax user and have tried to father pixel shift into the mainline. I use it with the K-1 but started pixel shift with the K3II. I was in the battle here when DPR condemned the K-1 pixel shift. It seemed to gain cred with Sony. It is like so many things with photography that aren’t automatic so you might have to prepare differently. Biggest problem I’ve seen is using a tripod but the tripod is not well grounded – like sitting on a patio with kids and dogs running around it. There was no movement in the area being imaged. So many handheld shots also.
At present, RT has the best pixel shift software. Second would be the Pentax DCU which is terrible to use. They are only ones to handle movement in the scene and RT is many times better.
Another point to make is that pixel shift is not stacking!!! The improvement in the image quality is that everything is real (no interpolation to fill-in the Bayer pattern which actually just moves the noise to the interpolated places).
And another is that if you are going to view after resizing, it isn’t worth the time to pixel shift. Pixel shift gives you better statistics etc for the follow-on processes so that something like sharpening is much improved at the new size.
Enjoy the improved quality but thing before you shoot. Bet John Wayne never said that.
I found a Pixel Shift file from A7RIII here. Unfortunately it seems to be a new format. RT crashes while decoding it. I will investigate…
I just joined the forum for this. I am uploading a7RIII pixel shift images right now. Do you also need non-pixel shift images? The uploader seems to think you already have them (I uploaded one).
Hi. Did you upload Sony_a7RIII_pixelshift_file[1..4]of4.ARW
and two other samples to RPU?
Are those raws actually from A7RIII and NOT from ILCE-7RM3?
Thank you for the samples, but
- for rawtherapee, you should upload that somewhere else;
- for RPU, please read my previous post in this thread
Yes, I uploaded them.
Yes, they are from my a7RIII. AFAIK, a7RIII === ILCE-7RM3. Am I missing something?
OK. For RT, where should I upload the pixel shift images?
OK. For RPU, where should I upload the non-pixel shift images?
for rawtherapee, you can upload them to e.g. and post a link here. Thanks in advance!
OK, thanks. They are uploading to now. I will post a link when they complete. There are the 4 images that the camera took, plus two conversions from ImagingEdge (one in ARQ format, one in TIFF).
Uploading has finished.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need more samples. I’m especially interested in how RT’s motion correction will work with Sony pixel shift.
Ingo, exif of this *.ARQ says it’s a 8000x5320 file with 4 samples per pixel … not like Pentax where we have 4 layers of 1 sample per pixel … decoding this should very close to DNG linear files with 3 samples per pixel which are already supported
ron, how do you export 4 separate files ?. Is the *.ARQ format optional ?
I’m not sure what you mean. The camera records 4 ARW files in pixel shift mode. The Sony cannot combine them in-camera like others can.
You then copy the 4 files to a desktop machine and run ImagingEdge. From those 4 files, it can output either an ARQ (with no options), a TIFF (with options of bit depth and color space), or a JPG (which I ignored).
So the expectation would be that RT can take those 4 ARW files and combine them into something like a TIFF or DNG. No need for more proprietary formats. And no need for Sony desktop software.
Currently that’s not possible But I work on a solution…
ron, thanks … I had the fear that A7RIII optionally exports this non-standard ARQ file … 4 separate files are easier to handle than proprietary formats …
Totally agreed. And the camera gives us no option–we get the 4 standard ARW files no matter what. Obviously we want to cut Imaging Edge out of the loop. And we don’t want to do anything that would interfere with RT’s ability to correct motion problems.