Welcome to the G’MIC category! This category is for the GIMP plug-in and stand-alone command-line program, G’MIC - GREYC’s Magic for Image Computing
G’MIC - GREYC’s Magic for Image Computing
Download the GIMP plug-in (most common for most folks)
Download page for Win/OSX/*nix plugin and command-line version.
G’MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images.
G’MIC is focused on the design of possibly complex pipelines for converting, manipulating, filtering and visualizing generic 1d/2d/3d multi-spectral image datasets. This includes of course color images, but also more complex data as image sequences or 3d(+t) volumetric float-valued datasets. To do so, G’MIC defines a lightweight but powerful script language (the G’MIC language) dedicated to the design of image processing operators and pipelines.
G’MIC is an open framework: the default language can be extended with custom G’MIC-written commands, defining thus new available image filters or effects. By the way, G’MIC already contains a substantial set of pre-defined image processing algorithms and pipelines (more than 1000). G’MIC is natively multi-threaded. It uses OpenMP to take advantage of multiple cores for speeding up the computation of image processing operations.
G’MIC has been designed with portability in mind and runs on different platforms (Windows, Unix, MacOSX). It is distributed under the CeCILL license (GPL-compatible). Since 2008, it is mainly developed in the Image Team of the GREYC laboratory, in Caen/France, by permanent researchers working in the field of image processing on a daily basis.
Other interesting technical aspects of G’MIC are:
It can process a wide variety of image types, including multi-spectral (arbitray number of channels) and 3d volumetric images, as well as image sequences, or 3d vector objects. Images with different pixel types are supported, allowing to process flawlessly images with 8bits or 16bits integers per channel, as well as float-valued datasets.
It internally works with lists of images. Image manipulations and interactions can be done either grouped or focused on specific items.
It provides light but efficient visualization modules dedicated to the exploration/viewing of 2d/3d multi-spectral images, 3d vector objects (elevation map, isocurves, isosurfaces,…), or 1d graph plots.
It is highly extensible through the possible inclusion of custom command files which add new commands that become understood by the language interpreter. Thus, users can design their own image processing library on top of G’MIC.
It proposes commands to handle custom interactive windows where events can be managed by the user.
It is based on the latest development versions of the CImg Library, a well established C++ template image processing toolkit, developed by the same team of developers since 1999.