Abstract composition

This evening I took another look at some photos from my last vacation. I really liked this one that I hadn’t originally noticed. Interesting composition and full of details.
Does anyone know what I captured here?


A man made river

The shadow of a drone?

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Hmmm, ICM of reflections.on a metal surface :thinking::blush:

That was easy:

Quasi-temporary movement of non-relativ quarks in a reciprocal interdependence of a conservative field.
I think, if you had mounted a snake-oil stimulated boson filter between lens and sensor you would have recognized it yourself.

A macro shot of a running cat, most likely.

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black plastic tarp ?

@martin.scharnke sorry no shadow, quite the opposite, and also no metal involved (@Macchiato17 ). @Kurt is nearly right but an inverse conservative field was used. No sorry, I am not a physicist. No macro and sadly not cats involved (@mlenard ). @alex666 is also wrong, no plastic in the image.

Actually, the first guess from @paperdigits was closest. It’s a man made tidal creek transporting seawater into the inner part of a small island without dikes (Hallig). When the tide is high the water is quite fast. The lines are mostly reflections on fast moving bubbles in bright sunlight.
The focal length was ~300 mm and the shutter speed 1/50 s.

Thanks for your guesses. Was fun!

Edit: The location can be seen here.. The shot was taken on the water on the left side, when the flow was much stronger an inwards (to the left).