Hello shutterbugs, and thank you for welcoming me, I’m Molly.
I have searched for answers quite a bit before deciding to trouble you here. Here goes…
I am involved in an early project to compile a suite of foss linux tools with the goal of creating/repairing planetary globe images based on Nasa/JPL images as they are released. I have some very naive questions that may seem rudimentary to all of you but, the first step to wisdom is…
Anyway, here are the first set:
Hugin Panorama seems to use an image projection identical to “Plate-Carree”, a standard for software globe images in astronomy software. Is this format universal for 360 panos? Is there some other used by proprietary applications?
Is there a light-weight panorama viewing application? Most are gigantic Swiss army knives that are slow to load and resource pigs. Are there any that have editing features that lets the user swivel and zoom in with some gimp-like tools?
I have used MMPS (Matthews Map Projection Suite), Naeddyr’s GMIC plugin from Cartographers Guild, IM scripting, Gimp, Xplanet, and assorted other open source apps. Have any here come across any other re-projecting/re-mapping tools?
Thank you for your thoughts
– Molly J