Adding keywords to multiple images at the same time in Geeqie

Does anyone know of a way to apply the same keyword(s) to several image files at the same time in Geeqie? i would like to select all the files in a folder and apply a few keywords that they have in common, the select a sub-set of those files and apply some more keywords. So apply “Trees, Leaves” to all, then select again and apply “B&W, silhouette”, for instance.

  1. Select your images
  2. Add keywords
  3. Select keywords in list
  4. Right click apply to all files
  5. Select new subset GOTO 1.

I’m not in front of the computer so exact wording and behaviour might differ a bit. Depending on your settings you also have to leave the folder or close geeqie to have the data actually written ti file. I get s prompt when leaving the folder.