Hi, I’m new to RawTherapee and learning. For typical shots, I’m doing OK. Still more to learn, but my results are usable. For more non-typical shots (like this moon shot), I’m having problem getting results that I want. So looking for your advice.
This first photo is straight out of camera JPG and resized.
My edits in LR are:
WB: 4000
Exposure: +1.0
Contrast: -50
Highlights: -12
Shadows: 0
Whites: +50
Blacks: -10
Clarity: +10
Vibrance: +30
Saturation: +10
I’m trying to bring out the contrast of the moon’s using RawTherapeen, but not successful. I am not trying to duplicate LR result. Just looking for advice on how to go toward similar direction.
I spend more time in RawTherapee and just randomly tried different Exposure settings. This is what I got. It is closer, but still not sure how to bring out the surface texture and contrast.
WB: 4000
EC 2.3
Highlight Compression 25
Highlight Compression Threshold 80
Black 940
Shadow Compression 55
Contrast -15
Saturation 19
Adjusted the tonal curve to increase highs and decrease lows (like S curve).
try using the tone curve in the exposure tab. This picture should hav one peak. Make sure that the curve is step in the the area of the peak.
Use Contrast by details in the details tab to further bring out the details.
if you want more help, post the raw, then we can play with your picture and give you better advice.
OK, I just tried Details Tab > Contrast by Detail. Just hit Contrast+. Definitely bring out the details/texture.
Then on Wavelet tab, there is another Contrast tool, which has similar slider bars as Contrast by Detail mentioned earlier. I will have to read up on this.
While playing with retinex in combination with raw_Black_levels I took this …
These are in fact unpredictable retinex artifacts … or else we could call them “artistic tools”
With the black levels I was trying to substitute the “Bias Frame Subtraction” that astrophotographers use to eliminate the light polution influence …
Thanks guys. I think there is enough here to give me direction to play with in RawTherapee: Contrast by Detail, Wavelet (Contrast, Edge Sharpness), and Tone Mapping.
I do want to stay with single RAW editor, just to make my workflow easier/faster. I was using Lightroom. I decided to move away from LR. I mainly looked at RawTherapee and DarkTable. I very rarely do local edits and I never use layers. After playing with RT and DT, I find RT has better interface and more intuitive to me.
By the way, I don’t use Canon DPP because it is just is just not efficient in copying and pasting edits to multiple photos.
I had a look at your raw file. It’s underexposed by at least 2 steps. Also f/11 is not optimal for making pictures of the moon, because of diffraction. Would you have chosen f/8 at same exposure time you would have get less noise and also more details.