Advice on online backup choices

I am too re-evaluating my backup options. I’ve run borg for years for my local backups and then pushed everything to CrashPlan but they are doing away with trust-no-one encryption and severely limiting their file retention time here lately. I currently pay around $10/mo for my file server to back up against their storage but I can’t find anything close to that in terms of price. I’ve got ~4TB and growing I like to have backed up but that’s looking to be expensive with anyone else.

It also should be recoverable by my non-technical spouse should anything happen to me which will probably mean moving away from borg too.

An option I’ve been considering is using Boxcryptor locally to encrypt files and then uploading the encrypted files. Then it doesn’t matter whether the cloud storage encrypts what you send there, and they don’t have the key to decrypt what you send there.

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