"Alpenglow" near Kinlochleven, Scotland

This is a fairly quick and sloppy edit of some mountains in the sunset near Kinlochleven in Scotland:

DSC00021.ARW.xmp (26.7 KB)
DSC00021.ARW (24.0 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike, Non-Commercial.

I really like the colour contrast from the top of the mountain to the bottom, as well as having some trees and flowers in the foreground.
It is a bit more colourful than I remember, though in general I like this edit.

However, there is room for improvement: maybe instead of colour contrast, use colour balance?
Also the maskig is a bit sloppy. Also the sky…it feels fairly natural, though a bit bland.

I look forward to your technical tipps as well as your creative ideas, be them in darktable or any other editor :slight_smile:

Edit: accidentially uploaded a wrong file. Fixed now.


Ummm, the picture you posted and the raw image file do not seem to match. I got a bleak picture of a little commercial van in an alley between a lot of big buildings.


Well I decided to play with what you posted and here is what I will call my grunge look of the street scene you posted.

DSC09521.ARW.xmp (12.6 KB)


Rawtherapee 5.8 + Gimp 2.10.30


Sorry guys, I accidentially uploaded the wrong file. I fixed that now, thank you for the plays, anyway!


My version…

DSC00021.ARW.xmp (14.0 KB)


DSC00021.ARW.xmp (34.0 KB)
What an awesome sunset! Would have loved to be there myself.
Here is my quick version…


Separating planes to make the flowers the main subject and the mountain the backdrop.

DSC00021.ARW.xmp (140.0 KB)

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As usual, I can’t bring myself to make things as bright as others. Maybe I’m wrong, but it appears to me to be a very early morning shot, because of the light on the mountain peak. I try to edit for realism as my mind sees it, and this is what I got. dt 4,4

PS - My very last step was to add a Haze filter. I kind of wish I hadn’t - the haze may have been real.

DSC00021.ARW.xmp (7.8 KB)


DSC00021.ARW.xmp (22.3 KB)


alpenglow_DSC00021.ARW.xmp (10.8 KB)


It was late in the evening, but I fully understand your train of thought. I am still trying to find a way in between naturalistic/realistic/stylish.
I would say, the mountains are spot on colour-wise, but it was indeed very hazy.
I remember the flowers and trees a bit brighter, but I do like the contrast between the dark foreground and the illuminated mountain top. Thanks for sharing your edit!

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Interesting idea!
I kinda wish I had less of the flowers and the trees (not possible from my position), but I like the emphasis on them. I do see quite a bit of haloing on the left side of the trees - I had the same problem and moved the mask a bit to the right/played with the details slider.
Thanks for sharing the edit!

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My attempt in dt 4.4
I mostly used a lot of Tone EQ, but also a gradient to darken the hedge with yellow blossom slightly.

DSC00021.ARW.xmp (18.3 KB)


Nice edit, I like it.
Thank you!

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Rawtherapee 5.8 + Gimp 2.10.30


To @dqpcoxeas, @Thomas_Do, @Alyx, @Suki2019 : I did not mean to ignore your edits - they are creative and interesting, I just realized this thread would get messy if I make multiple answers at once… But I will pick up some ideas for further edits, so thank you a lot for your contributions :slight_smile:


I’ve not been on this forum much since registering, but saw this thread and thought I’d give it a go. 100% darktable. This was fun but challenging to edit! I decided to go w/ some ISO800 noise at the end. Getting the gradient to look natural while boosting lightness in the midtones is really challenging. I’m still not 100% happy with it … but I need to get back to work :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice shot


Looks like a nice, natural edit to me, thank you :slight_smile:

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My version fun