Anti-virus blocking gdbus.exe

I am new to Siril and just opened it for the first time in Win10. AVG blocked gdbus.exe from executing, stating the file is infected with IDP.generic trojan.

Is this a known issue? Is it safe to proceed?

It is likely a false flag and safe to continue.

@tapfret Welcome to the forum! Where did you download Siril?

Straight from

Result from VirusTotal (doesn’t include AVG; scanned only the installer):


Following @afre, you can submit specifically gdbus.exe to virustotal and see what happens. But likely a false positive.

There is no infection. The problem is that we do not sign the application in Windows.

No real need to sign. The problem here is not due to W10 but to AVG.
I uninstalled it after some similar problems. Not sure if it is really useful.

I removed the bug tag, since there isn’t one.