Any modern darktable tutorials in German or French?

All right, my head is already spinning after having watched
a lot of darktable tutorials lately. I have learnt a lot of useful
stuff, though, so it is definitely worth spending the time.

I believe that I have managed to find most dt tutorials
in the English language. But how is the situation in the
German speaking countries? Or in the French areas?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden seems pretty active, but I wouldn’t know since I don’t speak French.

Regarding German, I found this website quite helpful in the past:

Danke!, basically is a GIMP channel with a lot of good videos for DT. I’m subscribed and don’t speak a word in German.

Indeed it looks like it’s quite active and up to date, with video tutorials in French covering stuff such as filmic curves.

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Hi @dcen & welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the link :slight_smile:

Hier gibt es viel zu sehen:

(Hat auch Darktable, Gmic usw)

Danke vielmals!

@sguyader @paperdigits

Oh, that French link is Too much for a man,
to quote a famous film title.

Among all the interesting things there, Aurelien Pierre
has published 15 tutorials, some more than 1 hour long.
Unfortunately, he speaks a rapid hi-tech French and I am
not that skilled in that language. But still: a very good
source of information! At least, I could admire the photos
and how to treat them…

Have fun!
Claes en Lund, La Suède