anyone tried PhockUp?

After my recent workflow woes, I started looking around for a way to batch-import photos in my archives. I’ve mostly given up on culling at this point, and I’m focusing on archiving and redistribution.

Archiving is basically done with git-annex, which replicates copies of the files in a bunch of places and keeps checksums. Mostly out of scope of the discussion here.

My main problem is importing. Typically I would do that with RPD which allows me to select images one by one, but it’s maxing out a CPU and anyways I have such a backlog that I’ll never be able to realistically create the “rolls” I typically make (and that Darktable kind of expects).

So right now I’ve imported all my videos with this:

exiftool -fast -preserve -recurse -progress -dateFormat "$HOME/Videos/%Y/%m/%d/" '-directory<CreateDate' photos-phone/Camera/VID_*

I was originally using -directory<datetimeoriginal but that works only for photos, not videos. Anyway!

One tool I found that seems to do everything at once (photos and videos) and a little more intuitive than exiftool and possibly still allowing me to use a “roll” workflow (if I ever get back into that) is:

Has anyone ever tried it? Thoughts?

I have not tried it, but it looks cool and uses exiftool under the hood. Let us know how it goes!

actually, i just noticed that as well and thought “oh.” i can use exiftool too, i was hoping for something a little less bespoke i guess… :wink: I also find it a little odd that the package is not published to PyPI, that “smells” a little , as it’s typically a sign of something that’s not exactly packaged right.

(For example, the import in the Python source include the src directory, which will make packaging this (for example in Debian) unnecessarily difficult…)