Anything wrong with this simple performance boost?

I’m using the git version of darktable. Since a couple of days I cannot export jpg files when opencl is enabled. So I disabled opencl (having an older nvidia gtx 960 2GB) in the settings just to find out that the performance suffers considerable. A simple

renice -n -19 -p pid

did the performance trick. darktable gets more CPU time and doesn’t feel so sluggish.

Whether there’s anything wrong with that trick depends probably on what else you want to do while dt is working.
Also, are you running dt as super user? A normal user can’t use negative values for renice.

And when you say “since a couple of days” you imply that before, you could use openCL. So what changed a few days ago?

The recent performance tuning for OPENCL might impact older hardware like this… @01McAc might want to try all the options including none…

You may also want to try with a clean darktable config file.

no, just a normal user. root does the renice job.

I tried but there is no difference. Anyway it is the git/dev version I use and there are always a lot of changes.