Anywhere to get ART zip files?

Are zip versions of the newest (from 1.24.1 onward) ART releases available anywhere? Since ART is now moved to github it looks like the only Windows versions available are the executables.

When possible I like to use .zip versions of programs to avoid having to do so many installs/deinstalls that almost always leave detritis in the registry which, as any long-time Windows user knows, eventually causes gradual slowdowns and sometimes performance glitches in Windows.

(following the new home of ART:

Edit: I misread and didn’t get this was about the portable Windows version. Usefull answer below.

Thanks for showing the URL. However, it is true that we only provide windows exe installers. You can always build from source though, or maybe @gaaned92 is still providing alternative builds?


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Thank you both! Have a Happy New Year.

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