App image of rawtherapee-cli?

Hi all,

does anybody know how I can get an app image (for Linux) of rawtherapee-cli?

My problem is that I’d like to do some fun stuff with rawtherapee-cli but don’t have it available: I am still running Ubuntu 16.04 where Rawtherapee 5.7 will not run anymore (old libs). I have already planned the upgrade but until then I am stuck with running RawTherapee from the app image (which still runs on 16.04). But this is only the gui client, it does not include the command line version.
So how can I get an app image for the cli version? Is that available somewhere? Or could somebody who has the sources and a newer Ubuntu do me a big favor and run a build if that is easily accomplished? :slight_smile:
I would also be willing to build it myself but I am not sure if that is easily done on my old setup.

Thanks for any hints and help!

I’d extract the AppImage and then find the CLI version of RT: How to extract an appimage file? - Using AppImages - AppImage

Yes, that’s a wonderful idea! :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

And what makes it even nicer: the creators of the Rawtherapee app image already thought about the cli command and put some code into the starter script which allows me to run the cli from inside the app image without any unpacking. Seems like you only have to pass the “–cli” flag to the app image on execution.

Exactly! The functionality is still un-documented, but should work fine. Let me know if you find some problems…

Works fine, did not find any issues so far.


Can you please clarify how do you pass the “-cli” flag to the app image?

I have following command in script:

$ rawtherapee-cli -d -o “$destination” -t -Y -s -c “$sourceraw”

However substitutint that for following will not work…

$ Rawtherapee.AppImage -cli -d -o “$destination” -t -Y -s -c “$sourceraw”

Thank you for clarification.

This worked with the AppImages that aferrero used to create in the past, but no longer works with the AppImages, maintained by @Lawrence37, that are auto created right now.

There used to be a wrapper script that was called when starting the image, at the moment rawtherapee is hard linked and there is no option to point to rawtherapee-cli.

As mentioned by @paperdigits, you can easily extract modern AppImages and then run it from there if you need to.

To extract:

cd /PATH/TO/RawTherapee.AppImage
./RawTherapee.AppImage --appimage-extract

You can now access rawtherapee-cli by its full path:

/PATH/TO/squashfs-root/usr/bin/rawtherapee-cli <cli_options_go_here>

Thank you for answer, update and explanation. Very helpful.