Appimage available?

I get a 404 page not available.

Could just download the tar.xz from agriggio / ART / Downloads — Bitbucket and unzip and run. No need to install.

Sorry for my ignorance here but how do I run after unzipping? I’m looking for the install file but don’t see it.


You download it, then unpack. For me, the download is in /tmp, place the downloaded file wherever you want to have it.
Then unpack it:

kofa@eagle:/tmp$ tar xf ART-1.21.2-linux64.tar.xz 

This created a directory ART-1.21.2-linux64.

You can now delete the downloaded archive:

kofa@eagle:/tmp$ rm ART-1.21.2-linux64.tar.xz 

Let’s change to the unpacked directory and see what it contains:

kofa@eagle:/tmp$ cd ART-1.21.2-linux64
kofa@eagle:/tmp/ART-1.21.2-linux64$ ls
AboutThisBuild.txt  ART.bin  ART-cli.bin  camconst.json     ctlscripts   dcraw.json          fonts.conf   images     lib          luts     profiles           rt.json  sounds  wbpresets.json
ART                 ART-cli  AUTHORS.txt  cammatrices.json  dcpprofiles  dynamicprofile.cfg  iccprofiles  languages  LICENSE.txt  options  RELEASE_NOTES.txt  share    themes

So, there is a file called ART. Let’s run it:

kofa@eagle:/tmp/ART-1.21.2-linux64$ ./ART

You can create a launcher shortcut according to your desktop environment to avoid the typing.

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Thanks for the information however I think I’m going to pass on this for the time being. A little above my pay grade right now

You have already downloaded and unpacked the file. Try double-clicking ART in the unpacked directory, that will probably also work. I’m just a command-line guy.

Hey there we go. Thanks a lot!

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