Hi folks, I tried to stack some Fuji X-T2 RAW files using the OSC_Preprocessing_WithoutDBF script, but the result was improperly deBayered. Do I have to stack Fuji files differently using a manual process? If so, how would I do it?
Hi folks, I tried to stack some Fuji X-T2 RAW files using the OSC_Preprocessing_WithoutDBF script, but the result was improperly deBayered. Do I have to stack Fuji files differently using a manual process? If so, how would I do it?
First, this script is not a built-in script. There is no guarantee it works.
Fuji X-T2 RAW does not need specific scripts, except if they have the AF square in the dark/bias master. And in this case, this is just an argument that need to be added.
The only thing that don’t work during calibration is the cosmetic correction.
Well the script was written by Cyril Richard, and it works with every other raw file I’ve used from Nikon, Canon, Sony, and Olympus, So I would have to imagine there needs to be something added or removed to properly deBayer the Fuji X-T2 X-Trans file. This is the script here, what would I need to add or remove to make it work properly?
Thank you.
# Script for Siril 1.0
# August 2020
# (C) Cyril Richard / Colmic
# OSC_Preprocessing_WithoutDBF v1.0
########### PREPROCESSING SCRIPT ###########
# Script for color camera preprocessing
# needs 1 set of RAW images in the working
# directory, within 1 directory:
# lights
requires 0.99.4
#preprocess lights
cd lights
convert light -out=../process
cd ../process
preprocess light -debayer
#align lights
register pp_light
#stack calibrated lights
stack r_pp_light rej 3 3 -norm=addscale -output_norm -out=../result
cd ..
I remember writing it, yes. The problem is that these scripts aren’t necessarily updated as Siril evolves.
You could replace preprocess by calibrate
and the stack line by
stack r_pp_light rej 3 3 -norm=addscale -output_norm -rgb_equal -out=result
Hi, I also had to do minor changes to the scripts, see:
Here the script is without dark and flat.
So these options are not needed.