Issue is that when you set the film simulation in preferences, ART wont start, no errors or anything, just wont start.
I have found whats causing it through.
If you take a look at the windows 10 screenshot the directory will prevent ART from starting.
However if you rename folder “Fujifilm XTrans III” to “Fujifilm-XTrans-III” ART will start normally and the film sims will be available.
I suspect it is due to ART seeing “Fujifilm XTrans III” as a duplicate for “Fujifilm XTrans III [ProPhoto]” so wont start?
I tried in rawtherpee and it works as expected.
The Fujifilm XTrans III [ProPhoto] is a red hearing though. I deleted that dir no difference.
Weirdly just adding another I to “Fujifilm XTrans III” making it “Fujifilm XTrans IIII” and ART loads, thats a pretty niche error.
Pretty weird that you cant reproduce it.
Perhaps ART is trying to glob whats in the square brackets in windows, so ART maybe needs to ref the dir literals in quotation marks? It globs and finds nothing, and then the final whitespace gets ignored, and theres a dupe problem.