ART and color -- Am I doing something wrong, a wrong setting or what?

Can’t say enough good about Elle Stone’s well-behaved profile set. It’s on GitHub, Google search using her name should find it.

Glad it is “solved”. If it happens again, let me know please. Maybe the logic for autodetecting the screen profile doesn’t always work – for sure it doesn’t work reliably if you have multiple screens (it picks up the profile of the “main” screen iirc), nor it detects profile updates while art is running. Could you have jumped into any such situation perhaps?

I recently re-calibrated my displays but it wasn’t while ART was running.

But I do have two displays: the attached laptop panel (which is less adjustable and inherently less saturated) and an external monitor which is a better quality display. The external monitor is my primary display, and it’s configured in Windows as such. So I guess if ART somehow thought the laptop panel was the display on which it was running (which it wasn’t) it might have over-compensated the saturation.

I used the laptop a bit recently by itself (unattached) which of course forced any apps to display on the panel, so maybe there was something still indicating it was still standalone. But it had been “reattached” for a while so, I’m not sure.