ART CR3 compatibility in linux

I have the same problem here.
Before on Ubuntu 18.04, I had put the path of a recent exiftool in preferences and everything was fine.
On Ubuntu 20.04 with Exiv2 from Ubuntu repositories (version 0.27.2), no exif for CR3, although exiftool is correctly indicated in the preferences.
Reproducible with Art 1.2 and Art 1.3 in compiled version.
With the AppImage, the exifs are present. But impossible to have access to the correction of objectives with the Appimage version.
So I use AdobeDngConverter to have the Exifs with the compiled version.

Ok, thanks for the info. I guess the problem is always the same: exiv2 is somehow miscompiled, so that exceptions do not get propagated. Would it be possible to try using a self-compiled exiv2 and see if the problem persists?

In the meantime I’ll try to get a 20.04 VM and see what is going on…

With the AppImage, the exifs are present. But impossible to have access to the correction of objectives with the Appimage version.

Can you send me your options file? Also, ping @Carmelo_DrRaw.

Yes, exiftool 11.98 is installed and the full path to it was set in the preferences.
Using exiftool on the command line gives all the information from a .CR3 file.


I confirm the Ubuntu 20.04 package of exiv2 seems miscompiled, as exceptions are lost. Workaround:

  1. download the linux64 pre-built library from the exiv2 website:

  2. unpack the tarball somewhere, e.g. /path/to/exiv2-0.27.2-Linux64

  3. open a terminal, and run ART as follows:

    $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/exiv2-0.27.2-Linux64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/ART

Now it should work. You can make the above permanent by editing the menu entry for ART, or just wrap the above in a script.

It might be good to report this upstream to the Exiv2 ubuntu maintainers (ping @clanmills FYI)


Yes, here : SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers

Thanks Alberto, It’s works fine.

Thanks. This is the offending entry:


just change it to this:


and the appimage should work.

Thanks Alberto, It’s works fine.

Good! In the meantime, considering that some other people might be affected by this, I’ve implemented a “hack” that should make ART work also with the stock exiv2 lib of 20.04.




I’ve tested and it works fine for the editor, thanks.

But i don’t know why it is not working for the navigator.

Just for info, it is the same way with the manual command:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/exiv2-0.27.2-Linux64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/ART

But for me, it doesn’t matter, having the exifs in the editor is really good.

Many Thanks, Alberto :grinning:

Hi @RioMatDav,

try clearing the cache.

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@agriggio, well done as usual, Thanks.

I’ve deleted the files in cache, and it’s OK for me.

So, now everything is fine, with the compiled version of wonderful Art.

Have a nice day.

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Thanks Alberto. This solution works also here. :+1:


I just saw that I had not answered for the Appimage.

After this change of path, it works very well and the Appimage becomes perfectly functional.
It is even the version that I use by default.

Thanks everybody for letting me know about this. I’ve used:

$ sudo apt install --yes exiv2

on Ubuntu 20.04LTS. It installed the command-line program exiv2, however it didn’t install the exiv2 library! Running:

$ sudo apt install --yes libexiv2-27
libexiv2-27 is already the newest version (0.27.2-8ubuntu2).

Happy to help the Ubuntu Distro guys if they ask for assistance.

The proposed work-arounds above (tweaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH) look sane to me.