ART feature requests and discussion

@s7habo I enjoyed your choice of words. The video was nice too (albeit a little fast).

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Hi Alberto, as Ctrl + Z for undo, it would be helpful to have Ctrl + Y for a redo. Thanks

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makes sense indeed, thanks for the suggestion



Aware about the F shortcut, could it be possible to keep the fullscreen after ± 90°/mirror rotation and after folding/unfolding panels ? Thanks

Why not move it to the favorites tab?
The keys for ART might be different, but @agriggio should be able to post a list.


Thanks for the tip, but I don’t like the favorites list because I tend to overload it and lose overview again. :grinning:

I much prefer the menus that are logically structured and accordingly can find my way around quickly.

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the short answer is that this was inherited from RT. however, I’m not sure it is misplaced. I’m not an expert, but purple fringing seems to not only be caused by lens defects, at least according to Wikipedia. in the end, it doesn’t really bother me where it is…

ART has no favourites tab, btw

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Ok, I thought it has one because the Favorites key exists in ART options file

At least favorites work for some keys.

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that’s completely unintentional though

Just curious, how those keys are defined?


For texture boost the key is epd

Is there a reason why there’s no histogram for the 2nd tone curve in the Tone Curves tool? Because if not, I’d find that helpful.

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Another recommendation: To rename HSL Equalizer to Color Equalizer (HSL). HSL Equalizer sounds very technical and it is not clear what is meant. I have just been looking for a tool that can be used to desaturate individual colors.

BTW. It gives nice results and it’s quite qiuick. :+1:

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If no one objects, I am going to set up a list of keys.

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no problem, as long as you keep in mind that I am allowed to break this functionality at any time. I don’t like the fact that tools disappear from their usual place when put in the favourites, nor the fact that there is no GUI. so, even though I have no concrete plan for this, I might eventually work on it, but if that happens backwards compatibility won’t be guaranteed

well, why not? :+1:

Yeah. I totally agree.
If this option (favourites tab) is implemend, It needs to have a GUI otherwise we turn back to RawTherapee which is perceived (rightly or wrongly) as a tool for nerds…
No offence here: I am still using RawTherapee myself.
However, I do like the fact that Alberto has tried to “simplify” its workflow these past months and I am noticing on these posts that everyone is super happy with his results :slight_smile:

EDIT: BTW, in RawTherapee there is not currently a Gui to create the favourite tab only because no one had the time to implement it.
In short, from what I have gathered it is still a “work in progress” feature :slight_smile: