ART feature requests and discussion


It’s right there…:
Screenshot from 2021-07-12 08.09.33

I’m not sure I understand… if you want to add brightness without changing the black and white points, that’s what the brightness slider in the log tone mapper does:
Screenshot from 2021-07-12 08.11.41

If you instead are looking for a “lightroom-like” clarity slider, you can use texture boost with both strength and detail scale dialed down from the defaults.

You can use color/tone correction with a rectangle area mask to emulate a vignette, with all the controls you are asking.

You have soft-proofing and gamut warnings showing out of gamut parts of the picture in cyan. Then you have the false colours view that is completely customizable, both in the colors used and in the range of tones they cover. This is not really documented, but it works as follows: open your options file, and look for the [False Colors Map] group (if there isn’t one, create it). You will find something like this:

[False Colors Map]

these are key/value pairs that define the map. Keys are the of the form IRE_N, where N is an integer (between 0 and 108) that defines the upper bound for the tonal range that will be rendered with the corresponding colour (don’t overthink about “IRE” and its meaning, this is just a name here, probably used in a wrong way – apologies to the purists…). In the example above, the “deepest blacks” (in the [0, 2] interval) will be shown in white in the false colours view, and the “brightest whites” (interval [100-108]) will be shown in red. But if you don’t like the defaults, you can change both the ranges and the colours.
For example, here’s a map that will only show shadows and highlights that are close to “clipping”, rendering everything else in black:

[False Colors Map]



Hi @agriggio

OK. Just tried again. Because I tried it long time ago, and thought that for creating brush to erase shape or deltaE.
Never mind. I was probably in the 4th dimension then. Sorry. :thinking:

About clarity : No it’s not that (target gray point). I tried it and use is, but it’s not the tool I would. It’s not very easy to explain but, here is a video, it’s explained since the start. Basically it’s the same family of vibrance, but just for the light/shadow tone, not the color.

It’s very different to the other tool and the one you pointed, at least for me, because you tool add/remove light/tone. Clarity does not do that. I miss something ?
But the guy explains in the video that the function was greatly improved for the last version of the program, so I guess it’s not an easy task…

About vignette : OK, except that in the vignette tool you can move and extend/shrink perfectly to the image, with the other it’s manual and maybe not so good.

And thanks for the last part about the colors outside the gamut. I saved the explanations and will use it for sure.

Thanks again for your time and efforts.

@agriggio , I’ve just read your explanations about false colors map. I was talking about this :
image, I don’t think that we are talking to the same thing. When I select them I have an indication in black or white. It’s these colors I want to change, the color map you explained is not about this I think, I’ve just tested and the colors didn’t change.

The false colors view is more general, and can emulate the clipping indicators (just use the settings above)


Is clarity not really just an “edge aware” or edge targeted local contrast??

Some ideas were thrown around here


Yes, but I like the way that only extremes values have their colors changed.
I like to work on my pictures with these indicators on, in order to have a visual hint that says that I’m off limits, without the need to check it manually by a tool. The workflow is way smoother, fast. It’s an automatic warning. And have flashy colors would be a plus.

Thanks for this.
You’re right, it’s a little like the “local contrast” tool. It’s more advanced, but it’s the same idea.

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Now you can customise the colors by adding the following entries to the [False Colors Map] group in the options file:

[False Colors Map]

Hi, @agriggio, I bow down to your feet. Thanks a lot !

Nice little addition

Hi @agriggio , strangely it doesn’t work for me… The [False Colors Map] group is not in my Option file, I added it… but the skimming colours remain unchanged…
what did I miss ?

It’s probably only done in the sources, so you’ll have to wait the next release if you don’t compile nightly builds yourself.

Hello @Teto , I compile the sources myself! (with the build-art script), so I have the latest dev version!

EDIT: shame on me! I took the wrong Options file (not the one in ~/.config)
sorry for the noise…

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Hello all,
I got this message for the compilation of the last version:
Program name: art
Build type: release
Build without updating: false

fatal: .git/index : fichier d’index plus petit qu’attendu
fatal: argument ‘HEAD’ ambigu : révision inconnue ou chemin inexistant.
Utilisez ‘–’ pour séparer les chemins des révisions, comme ceci :
‘git [<révision>…] – […]’
fatal: HEAD ne pointe pas sur une branche
fatal: .git/index : fichier d’index plus petit qu’attendu
Any idea ? I download several times the archive.
Thanks for the suggestions

Hi @agriggio ,

I may have found a problem, or I missed something somewhere.
When I create snapshots, if I quit the photo without saving, an .arp is automatically created and the snapshots are saved. Typically, if you have 2 snapshots, your file is around ~60ko (compared to a file without snapshot : ~20Ko)
But, if I save specifically the arp somewhere else (under a different name), the snapshots are not saved.
Worse, if I load a photo with 2 snapshots, load an arp file without snapshot, and do Ctrl+Z, the snapshots are not recovered and are definitively lost.
Edit : And it seems that if you load an arp with snapshots, to a file that does not have the same name, the snapshots are not loaded.

Do I miss something ?

Hello, snapshots are stored in an arp file with the same name as the original raw file, plus the extension arp, like in DSC_1000.RAW.arp. You can’t change that name or copy that file to another location without losing the snapshots (which is perhaps not the expected behavior).

So I suggest not to mess with those arps (renaming, replacing) to start with.

Not here. I load a photo with two snapshots, then I load the arp profile Neutral and the two snapshots are still there.


I hope it’s not ! ^^

In fact you can, if names match, as you said, snapshots are usable, so it’s a workaround for the moment, changing manually files name.


This is by design. The save button saves the current parameters.

I failed to reproduce this. Can you give more details?

Again by design. Load is loading only the active parameters, it doesn’t touch the snapshots.

Before you ask, I’m not going to change this behaviour, sorry :slight_smile: . However, note that if you want to save (or load) complete .arp sidecars, you should be able to do that with user commands from the file browser. For example, here’s a simple one that saves the sidecar to another file:

  • first, put the following in $HOME/.config/ART/usercommands/copy_arp.txt:
[ART UserCommand]
Label=Copy .arp sidecar
  • then, put this in $HOME/.config/ART/usercommands/ and make it executable:

if [ -f "$arp" ]; then
    out=$(zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --file-filter="arp sidecars | *.arp" --file-filter="All files | *")
    if [ "$out" != "" ]; then
        cp "$arp" "$out"
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            zenity --error --text="File copy failed"
    zenity --error --text="The selected file has no associated arp"

You should now have a menu entry under “User commands” (right-click on a thumbnail in the file browser) that will copy your arp sidecar wherever you want, including all the snapshots. A similar trick can be used also for loading if needed (though in this case you would need to make sure that the picture is not open in the editor, otherwise the arp will be overwritten).