ART feature requests and discussion

I just checked again. Tone curves definitely make changes to the tonal map when enabled.

indeed it was a bug, but it should be fixed now…

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

I thought about this, but I don’t see any other behaviour that is more logical… suppose you first carefully edit your mask using a brush in add mode, and then, after you are done, you click “invert mask”: what should happen? I’d say that the least surprising behaviour is that the mask gets flipped. Do you agree? If so, that’s what happens with the current behaviour. If you have a different proposal, can you elaborate?

Hi, as a starting point for discussion, this could be something like this Masks
For each type of mask, the additional mode would be the default mode, the inversion would act as an erasure if another mask pre-exists.
Let me also insist on my previous proposal on alternative folding masks, which would provide better visibility, avoiding to much opened folders. Thanks for your amazing work

it is important to maintain, in the same session, the possibility of acting both by painting and by erasing. Therefore, I realize that the problem of the brush erasure logic would not be completely solved.

so you are proposing to invert indivdually. That’s certainly something that can be considered (but after 1.3 is out).

I don’t understand what you mean by this. Invert is logical not, that’s the only sensible semantics. The current logic is (not considering the brush in add mode for now, that’s a bit special):

result = mask1 & mask2 & ... & maskN
if (invert) 
   result = ! result

with your proposal, the behaviour would be:

result = (invert1 ? ! mask1 : mask1) & ... & (invertN ? !maskN : maskN)
if (global_invert) 
   result = ! result

if you can write in formulas what you have in mind, then we can see if that’s something that can be considered


you can now right-click on a mask to fold all the others. (This is consistent with the rest of ART/RT)



Yes if you agree wit this model, I’m sure you will consider to elaborate a new branch to have a lot of tests

no, I was wrong thinking that we could suppress the erasure and the add-mode buttons

No objection

The real problem for me is that, when the ‘global mask’ is inverted and in add-mode, we have to uncheck the erasure box for…erasing something. Could we imagine to invert the way that this box acts in such circumstance?
Thanks for the right-click

Hello, another suggestion here, which as always, feel free to ignore.
I find both the folder and file view, and the inspect view very useful. At the moment it takes about four button pushes and moving panels to get from this:

to this:

I wonder if it would be possible, and if people would find it useful for there to be a button or shortcut to flip between the two?

So, there was already “Ctrl-i” to toggle the inspector on and off, but:

  1. it was not documented, and
  2. it didn’t remember the visibility of the side panes

Now, what I changed:

  1. there’s a tooltip in the “Inspect” tab that tells you about “Ctrl-i”
  2. the right pane is always visible when the inspector is active (in other words, it doesn’t make sense to activate the inspector and then hide it…)
  3. the visibility of the left pane is remembered when you toggle the inspector on/off.

So, to answer your question: after you set up the side panels visibility the way you want, you can switch between the two layouts just by pressing “Ctrl-i”.


Sounds perfect, thanks!

Feature Request: Keyboard shortcuts tab

Could we add a tab in the preferences or a tooltip with shortcut to recall all the shortcuts present in ART? is this complicated?
Thanks :wink:

This would be a nice way to contribute even for people who do not write code. One idea could be to collect all the shortcuts by searching the languages/default file (just search for Shortcut) and compile a nice table that we can put on the wiki… :wink:

…and how about the creation of a shortcut to call the list of shortcuts ?

I’ll take care of these :slight_smile:

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A table is available on the WIKI of rawtherapee and the presence of a similar table on the WIKI of ART would be a good thing for sure. But I was talking about a way to find these shortcuts IN ART so that I can find them more easily and call them from the interface

I think this is what this part means…
But I always use an iterative approach to things and for this case this will mean:

  • create manually a table that can be seen in wiki
  • create automatically this table so we can easy maintain the list when new shortcuts appear
  • find the best place to make it visible in the software

We will see what we get in the end :slight_smile:


Not sure if this is since you changed things, but on Windows build 1.2-122 the Inspector toolbar at the bottom disappears if you switch between the Editor and File Manager. I can get it back by doing Ctrl-i, but it vanishes again if you move to the Editor and back again. Let me know if you want me to submit an issue on Bitbucket.

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not necessary in this case. it’s certainly a bug, but I know what it is and I’ll fix it later. thanks!

hi @aggrigio, did you change the false color map calculation? now the colors change when the tonal equalizer sliders are changed… and not only the exposure module…? the calculation of false colors is not done as an input ?