ART goes towards 1.0

Also, wondered why anchor had been removed from dynamic compression? Are you suggesting that we should just adjust the exposure first instead? Eg if you needed to brighten the shadows much more than darkening the sky…


It was too brittle and unreliable. Sometimes a small change in the anchor point resulted in a large brightness change in the output.


Makes sense thanks…

About lens/geometry.

  • Is there still a need for the rotate function as it exists in perspective correction. The select straight line button could be placed near the three auto correction buttons.

  • I would prefer that chromatic aberration and vignetting correction be extracted from the lens/geometry tab as they are not related to geometry.

you’re right that strictly speaking rotate is now redundant, but OTOH it’s a small tool and I like the fact that it’s independent from the perspective correction. so I’m keeping it around.

I don’t understand why you want to move vignetting and CA correction though. they are definitely not related to geometry, but the group is called “lens/geometry”, where / stands for “or”. so I think they belong there.

finally, I am still undecided regarding the shadows/highlights tool. I don’t use it anymore, and was thinking about removing it. but it can sometimes be useful for small final tweaks, so I’d like to collect some opinions first. what do people think?


  • shadows/highlight

I no longer use it either, so I don’t mind if you suppress it.

  • dynamic range compression

I open in RT and ART the same image with neutral profile. The histogram are about the same. Then, I apply in both the dynamic range compression. The results are dramatically different. In ART, the histogram is stretched while in RT it is compressed.

  • builds

@Carmelo_DrRaw did you succeed to generate appimage package?

but is it worse in art? by now it shouldn’t come as a surprise that art is not rt… different is ok, worse is not

I could not say if ART Dynamic Range Conversion is better or worse than RT DRC. They are two quite different tools with the same name.
One is compressing the dynamic as the other seems to increase the dynamic (but on some photos it compresses it).
As I was somewhat puzzled by the behavior, I seldom use it in ART compared to use in RT.
Could you explain what you modified and how to use it please?

I don’t use Shadows/Highlights anymore so I don’t mind if it is removed.

please show examples, I have no clue what you are talking about

I never found the utility of this tool both for RT and ART, so for me it is clear that you can simplified the interface by withdrawing this tool.


ART : starting with neutral

RT : starting with neutral

thanks for the demo – everything seems to be working as intended. if you have an example in which the new behaviour doesn’t allow you to get what you want, feel free to post more details. when I have some time I’ll try to explain what changed, but for now I’d say that the dynamic range compression tool does not simply shrink the histogram, it’s a more sophisticated tone mapping operating at different levels…

@gaaned92 @agriggio
I know very well this raw file it is one of mine. What I observed is that when you use ART, highlight reconstruction is off !!
If you put it on (blend or color) you can use the dynamic range compression tool and it works as expected.

I also no longer use highlights and shadows now we have tone equaliser. Sometimes I would like to be able to push settings of the tone equaliser further but perhaps that would run into problems. Most of my attempts using dynamic range compression tool have created pictures with an unnatural hdr look but perhaps that is just my misuse of the tool.

@srgmro I know that :wink:
The difference is not in the highlight. If you have a look you will notice that the left part of histogram is pushed towards black and a part of shadow is crushed to (0,0,0) which is very dificcult to recover.
This artifact can be observed under the first arch of the bridge.
This prevents me to use this function as I can get better results with the tone equaliser.

So this is a bug. I’ll look into it. However, please do consider to write proper bug reports, not just multiple cryptic posts with no clear description of what you are observing, how to reproduce, and not even a link to the problematic image. Extracting the proper information from the forum is not fun… (and sorry if this sounds like a rant – indeed it is :wink: )

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@agriggio sorry for the burden. I did’nt know if it was a bug or a bad use by me. So don’t worry I am going to write a ticket.
edit : done :relieved:

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Ok I saw the difference. I learn a lot at each stage of the construction of the ART program.

so, shadows/highlights is going away. Other answers:

Indeed, allowing more latitude would introduce artifacts I’m afraid.

Don’t be afraid to push the detail slider up, that will help. Also, my recent tweaks to the tool are an attempt to mitigate the “fake HDR look” that you are talking about. Unfortunately, as discovered by @gaaned92 they might generate crushed blacks, but I am working on a fix for that.