ART (the software) news

ART is currently my main tool. It fits really well with workflow:
Digikam for geotagging vacation photos > ART for raw development > GIMP for fixing cosmetic issues (spot healing) in rare occasions.
And if one day Alberto stops, I’m sure someone will fork it and keep it alive.
Or maybe some of its good stuff will make their way to RT.


Same thing for me, and I hope I will be able to share this simple and useful raw-converter with my friends.

Je transmets régulièrement à Agriggio le fichier langue en français. Je ne suis pas du tout expert en traitement d’image et mes traductions peuvent être approximatives.

En particulier dans l’onglet couleur, j’ai ajouté « luminosité » au curseur de pente et « Contraste » à celui de force dans le but de me familiariser avec cette approche de traitement.

Dans le cas de l’onglet Texture Boost, j’ai conservé une traduction assez littérale du terme car, elle me semblait plus judicieuse que la traduction utilisée dans RT.

Surtout ne vous privez pas de me faire des suggestions pour améliorer ce fichier de langue.


Serge Moreau

@srgmro Serge, je n’utilise jamais la traduction française pour ces logiciels, car la majorité des informations que je trouve sont en langue anglaise, donc pour éviter les difficultés de traduction et la gymnastique permanente, j’utilise tout en anglais (y-compris mon système d’exploitation).
Mais je tâcherai de jeter un coup d’oeil, sans garantie de trouver mieux que ce qui est déjà traduit.

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@sguyader Sébastien, je comprends la situation et ton choix. Cela est déjà largement satisfaisant si au niveau de l’interface graphique tu peux jeter un coup d’œil.

Mon idée est toujours de pouvoir proposer à mes amis une solution « libre » pour le traitement de fichiers photos. Dans ce cadre, une interface en langue locale est presque un argument indispensable pour que cette approche soit envisagée. J’ai plusieurs amis qui utilisent RT soit sous Linux soit sous Windows, et je pense que ART est un atout remarquable pour des photographes amateurs par la simplification de son interface et de ses choix d’algorithmes.


Serge Moreau

I used the last update of ART. That was a good idea to improve HL recovery. I came back to the pink cast color observed with the raw file located here ( My take on RawTherapee - #172 by gaaned92). Now it is very easy to recover HL without any artefact, that is the best result observed with this raw file.

Updated french translation file. Added line 1836 forgotten in previous fileFrancais.txt (146.4 KB)

Dear @agriggio, I am also dabbling with ART and am very much liking it. The one thing I would love to additionally have would be a simple curve with all the masking abilities.
What do you think?

In an ideal world, every tool would support masking/local editing. Unfortunately, the real world sucks in many different ways, including this one :wink:
More seriously, before adding more tools, I’ld like to consolidate what is there, particularly on the usability side of things. That’s my priority for now.


I think that’s probably a very good choice.
It’s great that darktable has masking for every module, and the sheer amount of options in Local Lab RT means it will probably be very powerful when it’s finished. But both of those suffer from usability problems, so I’m happy for ART to focus on usability/workflow rather than just more features at the moment.

Just my personal take on it.

Good idea. I would second this.

Trying to install 0.2-88 gives me these errors






I’m using W10
Tried to reinstall , and restart the computer.

I guess I’m doing something wrong.

@DxO-user did you unzip the .7z file?

Then tried ART.exe followed by ART-cli.exe.
None of them worked.

Did the same thing with ART 0.1 a while ago, and it worked without any issue.

Peeking inside the archive, the files do exist. You may not be extracting properly, or running, with the right permissions. Alternatively, Windows Defender may be interfering and you haven’t added exclusions yet. Proof:


I have an observation that when using the Dynamic Range Compression tool, the output looks quite different to the preview. The output looks quite washed out in comparison to the preview.
Here is an example.

Preview - exposure raised, dynamic range compression, tone curve and local contrast applied.

Output jpg - the colours in the grass are lighter and yellower, and the contrast looks different

Is some sort of tone mapping involved which is on a different scale on the preview to the output? If so what settings would you advise so that the output doesn’t look too different to the preview.

Raw and arp below:
Dresden brewery test.RW2 (14.7 MB)
Dresden brewery test.RW2.arp (37.8 KB)



thanks for the report. The dynamic range compression tool is a global tone mapping operation, and some differences when processing at different scales are unfortunately unavoidable. However, I can’t seem to be able to reproduce the differences you are observing. Here’s a screenshot of my preview:

Here’s the full-size output (sorry for the bandwidth):

here’s the output of the fast pipeline (processing happens after scaling down to 1920px wide):

The differences don’t look dramatic to me, honestly.

If they do bother you, I suppose there is something that I could do, but it might require a bit of work… so, I’d like to make sure it’s really needed first :slight_smile:

I tried to disable Windows Defender. It didn’t help.

I went over from keybase to Github and installed the exe file from here Installed and it works



Thanks @agriggio for investigating. I agree the differences aren’t dramatic. Nobody else has pointed it out so perhaps not worth worrying over.

Is there any interest in adding a “fit to window” type view option to the Inspect tab? I feel like it would be good to view the whole image sometimes, rather than just the 100% view. If I’m not mistaken, the only way to fit an image to the window size is only available in the Editor.