ART version 1.0 release candidate 2

Thanks both for your suggestions . I will do as you suggested.

Here is the last version of the french translation file.
SergeFrancais.txt (150.8 KB)

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Black image at export:
Using this raw and color corrections with masks, although the image was OK within ART . Unchecking Texture Boost allows to export the file as expected. playraw-art-2.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)

playraw-art-1.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)
using RC2-9.
A link ti the raw


thanks, I’ll take a look

I can reproduce with the same raw file, but not with one of my own images.

should be fixed now.

It works perfectly, what a great job you do :+1::+1:
Many thanks

Honestly, in this case, it was you, who did the great job by properly reporting a bug and providing information how to reproduce the bug!


Hello, here is the Dutch translation of ART rc2. A cleaned-up version will follow. (This site requires me to change the file name from Nederlands to Nederlands.txt…).Nederlands.txt (109.6 KB)

Regards, Paul.

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thanks, added!

Salut Serge, found a little typo in your French translation: onglet Effets spéciaux - Noir & Blanc, should be Noir&Blanc.
Regards, Paul.

Thanks a lot Paul, corrected in the next version.

@agriggio @paulmatth
Thanks to Paul , a slightly improved french translation file.
SergeFrancais.txt (150.8 KB)

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Updated Dutch translation, even better! :wink:
Nederlands.txt (91.8 KB)

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Bravo @srgmro . Je trouve que la traduction française est vraiment bonne. Hormis peut être ENCODAGE LOG qui est peut être assez obscur encore que… :+1:

Merci, ne pas hésiter surtout à relever les erreurs, les fautes d’orthographes ou autres. @sguyader à largement participé au tri à partir du fichier RT. Pour Encodage Log le texte à été modifié en Mappage de tonalité log après discussion. J’ai maintenu le terme Log pour signifier le caractére non linéaire de cet outil.

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Génial c’est beaucoup mieux je trouve. C’est d’ailleurs comme ça que des utilisateurs et moi l’avions renommé :rofl:

Why put brightness, contrast and saturation even when the module only deals with vibrance and saturation. Isn’t that likely to deceive the user? @agriggio

In the development version (unless mine is not up to date) there is a lack in the French translation at the masks level. Do not take it into account if an update has already been madeCapture du 2020-02-19 22-54-59

The last updated file has not been pushed by agriggio at the moment.
Thanks for the typographic errors.

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