Artistic styles recreation in darktable

As already mentioned, modules in Darktable can be treated as adjustment layers in Photoshop or corresponding tools in Lightroom. On YouTube there are a lot more tutorials on Color grading in commercial software from Adobe. But nothing can stop us to recreate same effects in our favorite FOSS. Here my turn. I have recreated two color grading effects I watched recently. Why not to share with our community? Here they are.

Teal orange color grading

Original video.

In Darktable it comes to

Darktable style Teal_Orange_contrast.dtstyle (3.8 KB)

Cinematic Color Tone

Original video

In Darktable it gives

Darktable style Cinematic_rafyA.dtstyle (2.5 KB)

It should be mentioned that styles need to be adjusted to specific photo. It is always like that, in fact. Thanks to non-destructive editing feature of Darktable, they can be tweaked easy.



Thanks for sharing! These are great. :slight_smile:

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^ That’s a new one

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How do I use these presets. Is there a loader or are the called from the program or do I insert in a folder. I haven’t used Darktable for processing except making jpg from raw.

There is a “loader” called “Styles” in the right panel in lighttable mode.

Oh, Philly :grinning:, I like it!

This is great! Thanks for sharing.

Stupid questions again:

When to Use Styles?

Are they some kind of automata for stunning images?

Is the result good regardless of the original image?

What if the result is not wanted? Do you correct modules of that style or do I make my own adjustments from the beginning?

Hi Pat, I bet the teal/orange style is top of your list :grin:

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Styles in darktable are just a set of presets for various modules. You can assign them to an image whenever you wish. Once the style has been assigned it’s the same as if you set all the settings manually so you can just tweak them further to your liking.