Aspect Ratio: Can't use an other aspect ratio

Hi there,

I’m struggling to use another aspect ratio.
Dt does not let me to type in another ratio in the combo box.

I then tried to add a new line into the darktablecr

But when I reopen Dt the added line gets deleted in darktablerc!
How can that be? I tought it’s a basic feature to add new parameters in darktablerc using an external editor.

Is there a parameter in Dt I have to toggle so that dt let me add lines in darktablerc?

I’m using Dt 4.8.1 (with KDE Manjaro)

Best Regards

Are you exiting darktable before editing darktablerc? Darktable reads its settings from darktablerc only on startup, and then when you exit it overwrites the contents with the current settings stored in darktable.

  1. Stop darktable.
  2. Add the line to darktablerc:
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart darktable.
  5. Use the crop:

You were both perfectly right!
I edited the file while Dt was open…

now it works :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot !


You can change the aspect ratio when you select the menu ‘aspect’ and just start typing.
See this video The secrets of cropping from the youtube channel ‘A dabble in photography’.

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Indeed. And in the manual: darktable 4.9 user manual - crop

Set the aspect ratio of the crop, constraining the width:height ratio of the crop rectangle to the chosen aspect. Many common numerical ratios are pre-defined. A few special aspect ratios deserve explanation:

  • freehand: Crop without any restrictions

  • original image: Retain the aspect ratio of the original image

  • square: Constrains the aspect ratio to be 1:1

  • golden cut: The golden ratio (1.62:1)

    You can also enter any other ratio after opening the combobox by typing it in the form of “x:y” or as a decimal (e.g. “0.5” to apply a ratio of 2:1).

It also gives another tip:

Note: When resizing an image in freehand mode you may retain the currently-set aspect ratio by holding Shift while dragging on any of the resize controls.