Aspen Stand - Play RAW

I haven’t said, that you ARE upset. In no way. You are always polite, respectful and to the point. At least as far as I can judge. I said, It wasn’t my intent to upset you (or anybody else). Maybe I was misunderstood on that point. I’m not a native speaker.

Rest assured, I seldomly, have seen such an agreeable moderation on a forum.
And I have seldomly seen such pleasant and well-behaved forum members. Maybe one leads to the other.


Here is my attempt. Trying to warm the skies and keep the snow cool. Beautiful photograph.

Aspen_2020-02-25_10-13-39.NEF.xmp (10.1 KB)


I really like this rendition. Seems to capture the clarity of crisp winter air. Nice work.

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Just seeing how much I can push the snow texture; also enhanced the contract. G’MIC’s still the bomb. :slight_smile:

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2020-02-25_10-13-39.NEF.xmp (21.9 KB)


My fun with Darkable and GIMP and => Jpegli


Yes, due to the ridiculously generous support of the community we have enough to cover the cost of the servers (for now). I’ve also said in the past that this project/community is very dear to me so I pledged to continue running it even if we didn’t have the donations.

With that said, that’s no reason to be frivolous with our bandwidth and storage :wink: .

As @paperdigits already pointed out (and make no mistake, I defer to him heavily as he’s just as invested in the community, if not more, than I am) if it just takes a few moments on your side to zoom and crop to relevant portions of interest of an image, it would go a long ways towards making the bill easier to manage every month. :smiley:

Obligatory link to our support page. :heart:


My take on this. Added a little grain to the mix.

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2020-02-25_10-13-39.NEF.xmp (10.5 KB)