Auto Adjust Shadows and Highlights Batch Editing

Is this possible? I’m hoping to run hundreds if not thousands of images through Raw Therapee utilizing batch processing (drone mapping) to create tweaked images. I currently lean heavily on the auto levels and white balance but is it possible to automate highlights and shadows?

You should look at the dynamic profiles.

I’ll check it out thanks

Hello, just wondering, what do you you mean with “automate highlights and shadows”? When using auto levels, the highlights and shadows are already set to “good” or something like that, based on the embedded jpg in the raw file.

According to me, there’s no other way to “automate” them. And I don’t think that the suggestion of @ChasingShadows to use dynamic profiles will you help any further to automate highlights and shadows. But perhaps I’m missing something…

There is an additional tool for shadows and highlights which is not controlled via the autolevels. And the dynamic profiles allow to have multiple little profiles to choose from for instance based on a specific lens or iso.

That is the reason why most questions have the same solution: dynamic profiles.

Hello, I still don’t see how to implement that. A dynamic profile is applied based on certain criteria, like lens or iso as you said. But you can’t make a dynamic profile that “automates” highlights and shadows, even with the extra tools you mentioned. Apart from that, when using dynamic profiles, you can’t choose between one or another, it is applied based on certain criteria when you open the raw.

Perhaps you meant normal profiles? In that case it’s of course possible to make different profiles, each with highlights–, highlights++, etc., dito for shadows. Then the user can choose on a per photo base which one gives the best results.

But the original question, how to automate shadows and highlights, is still unanswered.

I use 3 different profiles with my specific setting for highlights and I choose one via the iso value from my dynamic profile.

But I agree, I don’t automate it in terms that I have automatically individual settings for each single photo.