Backlit snapshot

2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252.NEF.jpg.out.pp3 (31.9 KB)

I prefer your first version, it’s more natural… :slightly_smiling_face:

At least her on my screen, the family looked a little dull (with respect to the contrast :wink: )

my try with RT inspired by the crop of @heckflosse

2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252.NEF.pp3 (18,8 KB)


I tried RT with one local spot as the Lady’s face suffered most from shadow.

2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252_RT-3.jpg.out.pp3 (17.7 KB)

Sometimes the crop is more important than the processing :wink:

yes, i agree :slight_smile:

my RT version following the @heckflosse crop

20210214_FUJ6103.raf.pp3 (12.6 KB)

Incorrect pp3 file uploaded: Correct file is 2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252.NEF.pp3 (12.7 KB)


The name of the pp3 suggests you uploaded a wrong one…

Here is my take:

I used filmic rgb, and 3 instances of tone equalizer (1 with gradient mask to brighten dark tones of bottom (guided filter), 1 with mask on people to make them brighter (guided filter), 1 to make clouds darker (eigf))


I seem to do that quite regularly; I’m not sure what my issue is … :slightly_smiling_face:

2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252.NEF.pp3 (12.7 KB)

My attempt in ART. Really tricky, just threw lots of things at it in the hope of improving it, including parametric and area masks, but still not happy with it. I don’t think anybody has quite nailed it yet…Perhaps because we are trying to recreate a picture that is far removed from how the image appeared under those lighting conditions, it will be very difficult to achieve something that looks natural and pleasing.

Backlit snapshot.NEF.arp (46.1 KB)

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That was a difficult task. I’m not very satisfied, but I think there’s just not very much you can do.

Since the scene reminds me a bit of western film, I adjusted the color mood of the photo a bit. :wink:

2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252_05.NEF.xmp (16,9 KB)


I was wondering if you’d show up and work your magic :slight_smile: Thanks for the edit; it has a fun atmosphere. My kids approve.

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I like this. If you are getting horrible unnatural colours, go with the flow, embrace them and use them to your advantage…

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Thank you for the play, also a crop,

Started with RT: 2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252-1.tif.out.pp3 (12.0 KB)
(Purposely as it is)

Thereafter with GIMP and G’MIC a lot of (local) contrast filtering and a bit color grading, all a bit over the top, but I had fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::

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Lovely scene. Nice challenge. I let tone eq do most of the heavy lifting.

backlit-snapshot-2020-06-01_16-43-35_DSC_0252.NEF.xmp (31.9 KB)
dt 3.4.1


Skin spots is a fact of life but I think the shadow over the face makes them more apparent. So, after exposure recovery, I advise you all to reduce the blemishes somewhat.

OK, I didn’t want to be defeated so had another go, and tried to achieve something that didn’t hurt your eyes so much.

Here, I used ART to lighten the foreground to lighten the figures, but used a parametric mask to exclude the green colour of the field. I think this shot is tricky because if you use a tone equaliser to lighten the figures it also lightens the grass making it look lurid and unrealistic.
then used a feathered area mask in the top half to darken the mountains and the sky.
Then just a little local contrast and a slight vignette and crop, that was it.
Backlit snapshot.NEF.arp (29.1 KB)


@spidermonkey I like your positive attitude! And your new image!

Everything is quite pleasant except for the right edge, where there is a black border and it seems to be cropped a little too much.

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