I was sitting no my Balcony in Berlin yesterday when I was joined by a little bird that didn’t seem to mind my presence. So, I whipped out my Nokia 7 Plus and shot this using open camera in raw and proceeded to play a little with this in Darktable.
This phone camera is a bit of a mixed bag. It’s actually two cameras that are combined into one image in the DNG on the phone. It tends to have a bit of noise but plenty of contrast. It comes out washed out but that is easily fixed by boosting the contrast 200% (filmic module). Next challenge was highlighting the bird; I used the Zone module for that and some masking. I did a few more tweaks but overall was pretty pleased with the result.
birdbalcony.dng (23.3 MB) birdbalcony.dng.xmp (7.7 KB)