What is the best/your favorite way to set the black and white points in Rawtherapee?
I believe that the best info on that subject can be found on RawPedia.
a good way is to make the white point with the slider: “Exposure compensation”. The black point with Black, also in “Exposure”.
Another method, which is probably a bit more fine-tunable, is to do this with “Tone curve”.
But a classic White- and Black-Ponit slider, as used in many other applications, does not really exist in RT. But this is not a shortcoming, just a different approach.
set the black and white points in Rawtherapee?
It depends on what you mean by that. If you think of fiddling with these, then don’t. They are camera specific and in the vast majority of cases need no modification.
On the other hand, if you simply want to set the tones of your image, the first tab gives you plenty of tools for that. Just do what @micha describes.
What do you mean by that? There’s always this, which perfectly emulates a tool I remember from Lightroom:
The Parametric Tone Curve is what I was looking for!
But there has been a lot of discussion about it, and it always came out that RT doesn’t have a classic whitepoint slider like many others. Unless you see the “Exposure compensation” as such.