Some time ago @NodeMonkey requested Blackmagic RAW support in Natron on our Facebook group. Being interested in the format and their pocket cameras I decided to make a BRAW Reader for Natron on my vacation, but it’s been a while since that (a month?), and I totally forgot about everything
So here we go, this is the initial beta for the plugin. I will only provide binaries for Windows at the moment, Linux/macOS users will need to build from source (see the openfx-arena repository for source) at the moment.
Hey, hold on! What is Blackmagic RAW you say? It’s an high performance, professional RAW video/image codec that is open (standard, not source), cross platform and free. For more information go to the official website.
I’m so bad about checking in here for things. ;p I was literally just chatting with someone about this, and how it was started and then suddenly just disappeared, and I was going to message you on Facebook later today to inquire about it. LOL!
I’m curious can the Blackmagic Design Color Spaces and Blackmagic Design Gamma options be added to the OCIO profiles so that color transformations are not limited to the reader node it self? That would make it operate more in line with the rest of Natron, as in this current state it can be extremely limiting if one wanted to transform out of or into these color space and gamma options.
I fixed a few things on macOS that caused crashes, but it still doesn’t work.
Also I think it’s OK if you want to move the code to natrongithub.
A nice feature would be to check on plugin load if the SDK libraries are available. If not, load should fail. There’s also a lot of redundant calls to ClipOpen - maybe you could figure out a way to cache the result.
I’m not sure if we can distribute the plugin with Natron, since it requires proprietary code to run. Let’s keep it separate for now - It’s easy enough to install anyway.