Blair Castle, in sunshine and shadow

This is the castle from the other side of the valley. A difficult shot, with direct light on the castle as well as the gloom behind.

I have tried both tone mappers, but I think sigmoid has the slight edge in this case.

20211030_0743.NEF.xmp (12.7 KB)
20211030_0743.NEF (56.6 MB)

These files are licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


Thanks for sharing another of your beautiful images.
The Duke of Atholl has made it difficult with his brilliant white paint!
My play in GIMP.

Thanks for sharing
darktable 4.0.1

20211030_0743_01.NEF.xmp (14.9 KB)


My version… ( filmic )

20211030_0743.NEF.xmp (16.6 KB)


20211030_0743.jpg.out.arp (20.1 KB)


Indeed. Shortly after we moved up here, we were discussing the changeable nature of the weather with our neighbours. One of them mentioned the “three season day”. He underestimated, my shot was taken during a “three season hour”, with clear skies disappearing as heavy cloud scudded across.


Update: A little more effort on the building.

20211030_0743.NEF.xmp (14.3 KB)



Here is my colourful interpretation with Dt 4.1 and Sigmoid.

20211030_0743_01.NEF.xmp (26.1 KB)
Greetings from Brussels,

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Those of you who are bringing out the lower windows of the castle - how are you doing it? I haven’t found a way yet. I’m using dt 4.0.1. I’ve tried filmic RGB reconstruction, tone equalizer, etc, etc, but I can’t get them to show.

Very difficult to me also

Darktable 4.0.1

20211030_0743.NEF.xmp (55,7 KB)



Here are the presets I use regularly to correct the loss of contrast and detail through tone mapping.

  1. Local Contrast module, here are two presets to recover detail in the highlights and lowlights.
    I set the strength between 250 and 350% (Detail slider)
    bilat_Texture Haute Lumière.dtpreset (1021 Bytes)
    bilat_Texture Basse Lumière.dtpreset (1021 Bytes)

  2. Contrast Equalizer Module: here is a preset that brings clarity and texture to the whole picture.
    I set its strength between 0.1 and 1 using the Mix slider.
    atrous_Clarté et Contraste Soft.dtpreset (1.1 KB)

  3. Diffuse or Sharpen Module: Here are three presets to add clarity, micro-contrast and sharpness. Depending on the photo, I use them alone or in multiple instances
    diffuse_Clarté et texture (+ net) 3 It .dtpreset (1.1 KB)
    diffuse_Clarté 2.dtpreset (1.1 KB)
    diffuse_Blooming.dtpreset (1.1 KB)

Greetings from Brussels,


Hmmm. I downloaded your xmp and re-imported the raw to use it. I see your history stack. But it does not display for me with any similarity to the jpg you posted. I obviously don’t know what I’m doing.


Don’t blame you. 4.0.1 will have problems opening 4.1-dev XMPs.

I used tone-eq and (just updated my edit) a masked color balance rgb on the building.

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20211030_0743-3.jpg.out.pp3 (18.1 KB)
Another attempt, with Rawtherapee this time

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Wait. @saliniero 's post specifically states that he’s using 4.0.1, which I also what I am using. I should be able to use his xmp.

Later: I was able to open the raw using @saliniero 's xmp, and I can now see the same result. I had ti “remove” the raw from the film roll, first (without deleting). Sorry for any confusion, which is mostly mine.

Here’s mine -

20211030_0743-Blair-Castle-rawconvert-V2-S-sRGB.xmp (76.9 KB)

@Tim , I’m on 4.1 but hopefully my XMP will work. You asked about the castle windows. See “tone curve castle” and click on and off.


DT4.1 Using filmic… an image where I found both it and sigmoid worked well (once I settled on an approach…)

20211030_0743.NEF.xmp (11.8 KB)

Blame me. I somehow thought you were answering Christian-B. :man_facepalming:

Thanks for this photo! The castle shines bright like a diamond :star_struck:
I had to use quite a weird tone curve in RT

Uploading: 20211030_0743_RT.jpg.out.pp3…