Blown out sraw / linear raw files wanted

DSC_4287_dxo6.dng (60.7 MB)
From Blowing steam and highlights :-)

20120116_D7K0879 (1)_dxo6.dng (57.7 MB)
From old dubai skyline (and highlights reconstruct in filmic)

Feel free to label them as unusable for you. That means my problems with linear DNG and HLR are unrelated to what you are working on :slight_smile: .

These are DNGs that otherwise load and work fine. I can also export them in a way that the writing program does its own HLR, and then I’m perfectly happy with them. But I’m guessing the data doesn’t truly ‘stay linear’ then (have to lower exposure in DxO before export) and while DxOs HLR is working, it’s not the best in any way.

I’ve done as little as possible to the files. Should be pretty much as close to the original raw as possible, but demosaiced and rescaled to be between 0 and 65535 (so DxO interprets the black and white levels of the source raw file).

Pick one, or all, or none… all up to you! :slight_smile:

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